
Mar 18, 2008 20:13

Who: Open to all, Beauty Contest entrants
What: Beauty Contest
When: March 18th, 2008, Late Evening
Where: Phoenix Colosseum

''Hello one and all! I'm Lotusmon, and I welcome you to the Festival's Beauty Contest!'' )

event: festival

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Talent Segment dive_npc March 19 2008, 01:58:02 UTC
Lotusmon gave a sad sigh. "This is our last segment before the competition ends... but nevertheless, let's proceed!"

She smiled. "Beauty is nothing without talent or dignity, and our girls will be displaying both! Take it away!"

((Just reply to this thread with your performances, guys. No particular order, but only reply to this post, and not to each other.))


Re: Talent Segment isnot_theworst March 19 2008, 02:49:04 UTC
For this last portion, Yoshino had put back on her dress, and had a piano brought out onto stage.

As she took her seat... she more than ever felt the weight of all eyes on her. As she sat there, temporarily frozen, she felt like she was a young girl again... back on that same stage, unable to perform.


But she wasn't that girl anymore.

Remembering Masaru, and Lalamon, she put her hands on the keys and began to play...

Once she was done, she stood up... and happier than she could ever know, bowed to the audience.

Winner or not, she had done what she had set out to do... and to her, that was most significant of all.

((Basically, imagine adult Yoshino in the place of chibi!Yoshino in that scene. Same song, of course.))


Re: Talent Segment sane_minority March 19 2008, 03:00:08 UTC
When Jess went on the stage for the last portion of the contest, which had been cleared of anything from any of the previous girls' acts, not in a fancy dress or anything like that but in a simple white t-shirt and black skirt.

Once she was in the center of the stage she smiled as a unique song started up.

When she was done she held the final pose, grinning from ear to ear, for a minute before bowing and leaving the stage.

((Just... Imagine Jess doing Haruhi's part in the dance, since she is doing it on her own. :|b))


Re: Talent Segment lastofthearcs March 19 2008, 03:12:07 UTC
Final part. Serene got back in her normal attire for this. She got some wooden targets all set up. It was time to show off the one other thing she was good at: beating up the bad guys! With her scythe on hand, the performance started.

Serene swung her scythe around easily, and moves from one target to the next with fluid movements, something that wasn't necessarily easy to do with a heavy scythe about as big as her, much less for your typical girl.

Down to the last few targets left, Serene let out a shout.

"Serene Absolute!"

The stage was now littered with ice. Serene rested her scythe on her shoulder as she bowed out.

((The video showcases her final set of moves, and yes, she does summon up some ice in her move))


Re: Talent Segment hockeykixgal March 19 2008, 03:21:43 UTC
Oh it felt good to be back in her jersey.

She'd had set up a net and had Koushirou hacking her targets on the net. As soon as one was hit another one would appear at a different location. She began shooting for 2 minutes...and in that time 113 targets had been hit.


Re: Talent Segment bostonianslayer March 19 2008, 03:33:07 UTC
Faith walked back on stage yet this time she wasn't dressed in anything sexy. Rather she was dressed in the clothes of a padawan. Coming out on stage then turned out to be none other than Qui-Gon Jin. Suddenly music began to play, a building orchestrated crecendo with lows and highs with a choir involved with it.

At the other end of the stage, two large doors opened and a man in black arrived. He walked forward and took off his hood, to reveal himself to be none other than Darth Maul.

Faith and Qui Gon took off their robes, ready to do battle. Darth Maul turned on his light saberstaff while Faith and Qui Gon turned on their 'lightsabers'.

The moment Maul pierce through Qui Gon he moved away... and then the man exploded ( ... )


Re: Talent Segment emotional_reel March 19 2008, 03:44:10 UTC
Marino was in her armor for the Talent portion, as she would need it for what she was going to do next. Of course she also needed a partner and just so happened to have wrangled a certain beastman into being said partner.

That and it wasn't like she could find anyone else who would be willing to stand still as she threw kunai at them, and made very sure to not hit them.


Re: Talent Segment viralbeastman March 19 2008, 03:46:16 UTC
Viral spun on a wheel as Marino threw her weapons at him, hoping that none of them would hit particularly below the belt.

Thankfully, none did, but they certainly came close.


Re: Talent Segment every_thorn March 19 2008, 03:53:14 UTC
Now this was something Rose felt more comfortable with. Having chosen a stylish but comfortable green yoga outfit, she took her staff out on stage. She closed her eyes for a moment before leaping and swinging with her staff, mimicking one of her carefully planned fights against Jake--always choreographed to look deadly even though it wasn't. Then, to finish it off, she shot a green blast into the air, where it couldn't harm anyone but still looked flashy, and she took her bow.


Re: Talent Segment otonashixsaya March 19 2008, 05:03:14 UTC
"How come you're nervous, Saya?" Plotmon asked calmly. "You did wonderfully in the other parts of the contest."

"That's because the swimsuit was on loan, and the last dress I wore-other than in 1883-was in Vietnam!" Saya protested, not even planning on counting the night at the museum, since that had been...

"That was the day I'd killed my sister...and wasn't able to keep my promise to Hagi!"

"Besides, Diva's entered into this contest, too; I just hope her singing doesn't turn any of the Tamers here into Chiropterans."

"...Her singing does WHAT?!!" Plotmon's jaw dropped in shock, surprise and a tinge of fear.

"Back home it did." Saya replied quietly, making her way out to the stage one last time with her sword in hand.

"Music, please...?"

As what she would deem appropriate music started playing, Saya forced herself to remember one of her most darkest hours in her life as she bowed to the audience, drew her blade and imagined Chiropterans in front of her.

Once finished, Saya sheathed her sword, which for once wasn't ( ... )


Re: Talent Segment sirengeneral March 19 2008, 05:42:20 UTC
Leviathan is back in her armor for this segment, since it's easier for her not to worry about her clothes. She had requested a large amount of water for her talent, and luckily whoever was running the pageant had delivered.

She braced herself and held her arms out towards the water. Soon enough, the water started to slosh around violently before forming into a vague dragon-like shape. It slowly rose into the air and suddenly froze into a large ice dragon.

The ice dragon moved seemingly by itself through the air above the spectators, moving as if it were in water. Leviathan allowed it to roam for a minute before calling it back and melting the dragon back into liquid water.

She bowed low before all but skipping off the stage.


Re: Talent Segment abrilliantdebut March 19 2008, 06:30:28 UTC
And now comes the part that Diva has been waiting for since the pageant began. She just hoped Big Sister Saya didn't get mad at her for singing, but she didn't want to hurt anyone!

Diva has changed back into her evening gown, with her hair styled into a bun again. As she walks on stage, she doesn't smile as brightly before she begins singing.


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