Festival Week - Ventus Bazaar

Mar 17, 2008 14:42

Who: Open to Everyone
What: Ventus Bazaar
When: All week (17th-22nd)
Where: Ventus Square

After the day-long celebration on Sunday, Ventus Square opened itself for business. )

location: tetha: ventus square, event: festival

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Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 17 2008, 23:45:16 UTC
When Kat got it in her mind to do something, she certainly didn't do it half-assed. The stand that she'd prepared was positively bursting with both colorful decorations and display cases with the wares that she and Harry had prepared. She'd put the baked goods at the front of the kiosk, for everyone to see. There were cookies of all sorts, muffins, cupcakes, chocolate-chip cookie and marshmallow cream sandwiches, and even some fortune cookies.

Kat was especially proud of those. They were about as serious as any other fortune cookie, but she'd had fun casting the spells. When the cookies were broken open, her spell would detect the aura of the person and before their eyes a fortune would write itself on a small slip of paper. For showmanship, it seemed like it was brilliant.

Hanging out of reach in the back of the stand were the charms that she and Harry had spent the past few days making. Little bracelets and rings with simple little spells woven into them. There weren't exactly cheap, but Kat was proud to say that each and every one of them would do exactly what it advertised. The protective charms would protect their wearer from a simple attack, while luck charms would do their own small part to turn probability on their side, whereas the light charms would produce light on the level of a candle's flame from the cheap gems set into place. The effects were limited, and in the case of the luck charms they would expire within just a couple of days, but this wasn't meant to be a serious business. It was just good clean fun!

The only difficulty she'd had was coming up with a name. She finally settled on one, and assumed that General Mills didn't have any lawyers in the digital world to raise a fuss. "Magically Delicious" was painted in bright letters above the stand, and mystical globes of light floated on both sides of the sign.

In the stand itself, Kat sat on midair with a hover spell, while Leormon was sitting on a tall chair beside her. They were ready for business.


Re: Magically Delicious! wizardssaynii March 18 2008, 03:40:49 UTC
"'Ey there luv!"

Enter Wizardmon and Sorcermon, who were eying the cookies and other baked goods with eagerness.

"Might we be able to purchase and handle your confections?"


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 18 2008, 04:10:22 UTC
Kat grinned warmly at Wizardmon and Sorcermon as they approached. She suspected that she'd be seeing them again, and she'd baked a special batch of cookies just for each of them. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite pair of devious spell-slingers," she said, smiling brightly. "Shall I assume that your tastes in cookies haven't changed? You can handle all the sugary delights that you're willing to pay for, and maybe I'll throw in a little something for free."

She grinned coyly at the pair, well used to keeping up with banter of all sorts.


Re: Magically Delicious! wizardssaynii March 18 2008, 04:46:41 UTC
Wizardmon smirked beneath his cowl. "Ah, you're so good to us, Kat. Thanks a bunch. This whole week's been keeping us busy..."

Sorcermon grunted. "Yeah, what with the boss in town..."


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 18 2008, 04:54:23 UTC
She giggled quietly and nodded. "Just one second, you two," she said brightly. "I knew you were coming, so I baked something just for you."

She ducked her head briefly beneath the stand's counter to get out the plate of ginger snaps and frosted sugar cookies that she'd prepared ahead of time. It was more of a hunch than anything else, but she was glad that it paid off.

"I made them just this morning before opening," she said as she straightened up and held out the loaded plate to them, the smile still present on her face. "I hope you like them. So, your boss is in town riding your back?"


Re: Magically Delicious! wizardssaynii March 18 2008, 05:03:28 UTC
"Oh, Kat dear, we are going to love the hell out of these," said Wizardmon, taking the plate.

"Oh, yes. Maybe you've seen him. Tall, white and red armor, has a big cape...?"


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 18 2008, 05:14:46 UTC
"Mmm, yes," Kat nodded, making a show of thinking. "I caught sight of him at the opening ceremonies, I think. You two were there, right?"

She leaned forward and put her elbows on the counter, watching them. "If he likes baked goods, send him by, I'll make something just for him. No matter how big he is, I know how to prepare something he'll like," she said with a wink.


Re: Magically Delicious! wizardssaynii March 18 2008, 05:25:17 UTC
"Oh, we'll tell him, Kat. But I doubt he'll show up."

Sorcermon nodded. "He's not as friendly as we are. Or charming."


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 18 2008, 05:29:40 UTC
"Well, obviously," Kat said, smiling again. "But who in the digital world COULD claim to be?"

Leormon quirked a grin as he watched the interaction.


Re: Magically Delicious! wizardssaynii March 18 2008, 05:42:19 UTC
Both wizards snickered.

"I knew there was a reason we liked you, luv."


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 18 2008, 06:06:46 UTC
"Aside from the baked goods, naturally," she said, her tone full of mischief. "This festival is going great already. Are you two on duty, whatever that duty may be, or are you just enjoying yourselves?"

She quirked another grin then. "Or should I assume that the truth would get me in more trouble than I need, and just forget that I asked?"


Re: Magically Delicious! wizardssaynii March 18 2008, 17:29:50 UTC
Both wizards shrugged. "It's about the same, really. Nothing to do lately but keep an eye on you scrubs."


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 19 2008, 01:01:37 UTC
She gave a quiet, almost pleased-sounding laugh to that. "Well, most of them may not appreciate it, but as someone who remembers what being a scrub was like the first time, I can't say I mind the watchful eye. Thanks, you two."

Leormon's eyebrow raised curiously and he looked at Kat questioningly. "Miss Kat, you're not a 'scrub,'" he said.

"I really am," she said back, grinning a bit. "A new world and some of my spells not responding the way I expect them to? I'm totally scrub-like."

Leormon gave a quiet, discontented huff and said nothing more.


Re: Magically Delicious! bostonianslayer March 20 2008, 02:41:51 UTC
Faith was actually feeling rather proud of herself she had picked up her lightsabers the day before. The Obi-Wan and Mace versions they were. She had to like how there were various colors. The belt that they hung off of was a nice one.

As of right now, she was spending her extra beads on what she held in a bag, which Tsukaimon couldn't believe she had picked up. "Just what is that?"

"Something I would NEVER wear at home but then again I would have NEVER entered that beauty pageant," Faith said as she decided to stop by this quant little stand. "What the hell. Training and slayer metabolism will burn it off fast."

She walked over to the kiosk where Kat was, setting her bag down while looking for the right cookies to by. Tsukaimon came in to land but accidentally knocking her bag over...

Allowing the wonder woman costume, complete with a full head mask of Princess Diana to fall out and right in front of the woman running the kiosk.

Damn it... and this was SUCH a good day so far Faith muttered to herself.


Re: Magically Delicious! scrapperzen March 20 2008, 11:33:58 UTC
Business had been brisk thus far, and Kat couldn't help but smile as yet another customer stopped by the stand. At this rate, she was going to need to close up to make more stock! Maybe she could teach Harry to bake a bit...

As Faith set things down to look at the cookies, Leormon snapped to attention on his chair to watch her. "Good day, ma'am," he said respectfully. "If you're hungry for something sweet, Miss Kat made all of these fresh this morning. I've had the chance to sample much of them, they're quite good."

Kat laughed quietly and patted Leormon's neck gently. "You really don't need to say that to everyone, Leormon. I think business is pretty well off," she said, her tone happy and completely lacking in chastisement. She looked at Faith then, just in time to see Tsukaimon knock her things out over the walkway. Frowning, she leaned over to look and make sure nothing was broken. "Is everything all right? You didn't have anything fragile in there, did you...?"

Spotting the costume, she raised and eyebrow and giggled quietly. "Oh, is that for the costume ball?"

Leormon quirked a faint smirk and hopped down from the chair to see if Faith needed assistance in putting anything away. "You might wish to practice your landings, my friend," he said to Tsukaimon, politely.


Re: Magically Delicious! bostonianslayer March 20 2008, 16:33:10 UTC
"I do good landings thank you!" Tsukaimon pouted.

Faith had a sheepish look on her face. "I'm just doing something else I wouldn't have normally done. I won second place in that beauty pageant, something I would have never done at home, and now I'm going to dress like a comic book superheroine." she smirked then. "Thankfully I got the bustline to fill out the costume. I'll be surprised if there are anymore Justice Babes at this party though."


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