Who: A whole lot of folks
Quest for the Tags Finale: Ultimate ChaosWhen: February 7th
Where: What used to be Draco Island
It had happened altogether too quickly. The drawing of the Omega Sword. The thing that should not have been. Chaos. And now, the death of part of the Digital World itself.
Chaosmon had
devoured the Area Leader Breakdramon, and transformed into some kind of new, bizarre form. But if that had been the worst that happened, Draco Island itself would have been unharmed. But Chaosmon hadn't stopped there.
He had devoured the entire island. Steadily, but quickly, Draco Island and the digi-eggs of dragon digimon - themselves the remnants of digimon defeated by Daemon and his servants - had become part of Chaosmon. Those on the ground were fortunate enough that the deletion had been steady enough that the ground was not ripped out from underneath their feet, and that for miles around Draco Island, the data of the ocean had been absorbed as well, keeping water from rushing in to drown anyone - of course, in a situation like this, any "fortune" would be pyrrhic at best.
The Halberd, finally unable to stay in the air, made a difficult landing on the desolate landscape. For now, the vessel was completely and utterly grounded. As for "Ultimate Chaosmon", the beast was looming over the scene, unmoving.
For now.