
Oct 22, 2011 00:21

Who: Paulo, Alice, Suoh, Kazuma, Other Mother, Sadamitsu, partners?
What: An explosion of anger and revenge
When: October, 24 2011
Where: Axoryi, outside Hamilton Karate

You can only push someone so far. When they break you have no one to blame but yourself. )

character: kazumaking, character: readmyback, character: idkmybffhatter, location: axoryi, character: somalihottie, character: beldambuttons, character: clampninja

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readmyback October 23 2011, 03:25:40 UTC
Sadamitsu had come to Axoryi to pick up some supplies for the Hyperion from a local digimon, having offered to go instead of Lorne, since he was going out to get groceries anyway and figured he could just shop in Axoryi at the same time. He didn't notice Paulo's post, but he did notice the sound of a building collapsing somewhere nearby as he was approaching the lightpost to return home. He took off running, grabbing Kulon off the ground in one hand and slamming Junk on his head with the other. The white Material Guard armor formed in a flash of light and he charged down the street as fast as he could.

Coming onto the scene from a side street, he took in the situation immediately: a giant dog digimon, a collapsed building, Kazuma, another person he didn't recognize, and two smaller digimon being attacked by the larger one, and...Paulo? Paulo glowing with purple Digisoul and standing on... A woman.

"Keep that big mutt busy, Kulon!" he yelled, chucking the V-mon in Breaker's general direction as he made a beeline for Paulo. With a flash of light the screaming Kulon evolved to Lighdramon in mid-air and fired off a "Blue Thunder" attack at Breaker as he landed.

"The hell do ya think yer doin', Paulo!?" Sadamitsu yelled as he came in with a Digisoul-powered punch at Paulo's face.


somalihottie October 23 2011, 03:36:39 UTC
Paulo growled down at Alice, his purple digisoul flaring up more at her words. "She wasn't your fucking mother dammit!" He brought up his leg quick and was about to stomp back down when he heard Sadamitsu's voice. He turned and took the Digisoul punch to his face and fell back onto the ground. His own digisoul had helped shield him so it didn't do too much damage. He looked up at his friend with a growl. "You stay the fuck out of this!"

Breaker roared as the kunai stuck into the top of his mouth. He shook his head, flinging them out of his mouth. Blood ran down his teeth, making him look psychotic. He turned as the Lightdramon fired it's attack and jumped back, dodging the attack and fired his Spiral Blow at the new digimon challenger.


idkmybffhatter October 23 2011, 04:08:22 UTC
Alice had no idea who this sudden hero was, nor did she really care right then. She was just grateful to have Paulo's foot off her chest. She rolled over, blood splattering on the ground from her mouth as she coughed. There was a lot. Enough that she was concerned about it, and the weakness weighing down all of her limbs.

"H-he's... he's gone crazy..." she gasped, trying to crawl away while Sadamitsu dealt with the raging feline.

Kazuma didn't argue at all with Saghid, moving when the lion digimon tugged on his sweatshirt sleeve. He crawled on to his back, clinging tightly while burying his face in Saghid's fur. He just wanted to get out of there. He wanted to go home, go to bed, and wake up to find Lopmon alive and well.

Suoh, meanwhile, tried to keep in the fight Breaker, but as soon as he went for more kunai he realized something rather irritating - he was out. He had lost several back when he went up against the strange jelly monsters and never got any replaced.

"Damn... I'm out of weapons!" he swore sharply, looking to his tiny partner. Hyoko could only look back at him helplessly.


sandrock_qrw October 23 2011, 04:15:10 UTC
Saghid carried Kazuma to the closest lamp post, then looked back at Suoh. "Idiot humans..." He couldn't do anything with Kazuma clinging to him, but he also had a strong suspicion that he'd get yelled at for leaving the boy on his own. It was all very frustrating, and he had half a mind to call Quatre...


readmyback October 23 2011, 04:29:32 UTC
"Like hell I will!" Sadamitsu's eyes were the only things visible under the helmet, but nothing else was needed to show how angry he was. "Get outta here," he barked at Alice, then turned his attention back to Paulo. "Never thought ya'd sink low enough that ya'd hit a girl, Paulo." He tried to grab onto his shoulder and hold him down while he threw another Digisoul-powered punch at his face.

Kulon jumped out of the way of the brunt of the tornado, though he got clipped by it and hopped on two legs a couple of times as he landed next to Suoh. Junk heard Suoh's exclamation through the open channel between Sadamitsu's D-Reader and Kulon's Rise Bracer and accessed the D-Reader's storage system. The screen displayed the menu selections under the armor as Junk selected the "Realize Digimon" option. Kulon jumped slightly as a pile of kunai materialized and fell to the ground next to him.

"What am I supposed to do with these? I don't have hands!"

"These are for the human next to you," Junk's voice said from the Rise Bracer. "Concentrate on your opponent."

Kulon nodded. Now that he had a moment to line up an attack, he used "Lightning Blade", firing a single strong lighting bolt at Breaker.


somalihottie October 23 2011, 04:37:19 UTC
Paulo brought up his hand and deflected the punch with his own digisoul covered arm. He wasn't about to get punched in the face again. "That bitch let that monster get away! And you're in the way now too!" He brought his digisoul covered foot to Sadamitsu's stomach.

Breaker dodged the lightning bolt with a laugh. "You'll have to so better than that!" He opened his mouth and sent out another tornado before he charged Kulon with his jaw open, wanting to sink his teeth into the Lightdramon.


clampninja October 23 2011, 04:51:11 UTC
Alice didn't have to be told twice, holding her clearly broken jaw with one hand while she pushed up with the other and went running to where Saghid had taken Kazuma. She couldn't really do anything for the boy right then, aside from drag him off of Saghid and hold him tight in a hug. And try to not bleed on him.

"Thank you!" Suoh thanked Junk after the kunai were deposited on the ground, wasting no time at all in grabbing them up, charging them and hurling them rapid-fire at Breaker.

"We need to knock Paulo out! That's the only thing that's going to stop his partner!"


sandrock_qrw October 23 2011, 04:54:43 UTC
Turning to look at Alice, Saghid growled, "What are you doing waiting around here!? You're injured, go to the hospital! Or was I imagining that your legs are still working?"


readmyback October 23 2011, 05:05:21 UTC
Sadamitsu took the kick, but the armor didn't block as much of the impact as he'd expected and he doubled over. That didn't lead to a complete failure, though, since Paulo was still on the ground, and Sadamitsu was still standing. He came down on Paulo, trying to grab his shoulders and plant his knees on Paulo's legs before trying to hammer the crest on the helmet into Paulo's face.

"Doesn't matter! Ya don't hit women!"

Kulon dodged Breaker's attack and began circling him, firing off "Blue Thunder" attacks as he went, trying to think of something else he could try.


somalihottie October 23 2011, 05:22:10 UTC
Breaker fired a tornado at Suoh, knocking the kunai out of the air. He was sick of those things sticking into him. He ran in the opposite direction that Kulon did, dodging those Blue Thunder attacks. He was experienced in battle and in his Dark form it was easier. But suddenly the giant digimon stopped and took one of the attacks. He flew back and de-evolved down into his Gaomon form and hit the ground. He twitched a bit before falling unconscious.

Over with Sadamitsu Paulo had tried to struggle against the larger man holding him down but he wasn't any match. He looked up just as the helmet came down and hit him right between the eyes. They rolled into the back of his head and the purple digisoul vanished. The feline was out and it was finally over.


icod October 23 2011, 05:57:32 UTC
Suoh stopped throwing, but kept one in his hand as a precaution. SOMETHING had set Paulo off in to that rage, and whatever it was could still be around.

Alice, however, was far more concerned about Kazuma and the others than she was herself, and simply glared at Saghid with a "I'm not leaving them" look in her eyes. Speaking was beginning to be too much painful effort, jaw going stiff the longer she went untreated, and she gave up speaking all together for the moment.

So it was, of course, at that moment when everything stopped that Edaniel FINALLY arrived on the scene, skidding out of a lightpost full speed in his cat form and transforming in to his human form in a flash, Timo behind him.

To say the area was a mess would have been a gross understatement. The studio had collapsed and took roughly half of each of the structures on either side of it with it. Tamers and partners alike had been hiding but were slowly coming out to examine the damage now that the fighting sounds had ended, and Paulo was unconscious at the center of it all, with Breaker not that far away from him.

Edaniel wasn't sure if he should be pissed or not, but the first thing out of his mouth certainly sounded angry.

"Some one want to tell me what the FUCK is going on here?!"


sandrock_qrw October 23 2011, 06:04:02 UTC
His ears flattened down against his skull, "Stupid human! You'd rather bleed all over the stupid human child!?" He began to walk back towards Suoh, at least he was normally more reasonable...'normally' being the key term. He didn't pay Edaniel any mind as the tamer yelled for an explanation. He'd only been there a few minutes, hell if he knew what was going on.


readmyback October 23 2011, 06:19:43 UTC
Once Sadamitsu was sure that Paulo was out cold, he got off of him and noticed Ed.

"All I know's that he was beatin' up a woman an' Breaker was attackin' those guys, so I beat him up an' Kulon took out Breaker."

He walked past Ed without waiting for a reply. Alice's injuries, and possibly Kazuma's, were more important. Seeing the remains of the studio though brought up an even more urgent question. He raised his voice in case any of the bystanders from the neighbouring buildings had an answer as well.

"Was anyone in there?"


kazumaking October 23 2011, 06:26:43 UTC
There were looks passed around the bystanders, and Edaniel was left standing there in obvious confusion, but no one answered. Kazuma did, however, let out a harsh sob and curled up tighter in Alice's arms. He couldn't bring himself to say what he saw.

"... his partner... was thrown through the window before the studio collapsed..." Suoh finally answered for him, voice hushed and saddened. "We haven't heard anything since it fell..."


sandrock_qrw October 23 2011, 06:35:43 UTC
"Then his partner is more than likely an egg at this point. The only thing you can do is dig through the rubble until you find it."


readmyback October 23 2011, 06:54:02 UTC
"Sadamitsu," Junk spoke up, "the status of Ikezawa Kazuma's partner's egg is unlikely to change in the near future. Alice Hamilton's injuries, on the other hand, may. It would be logical to tend to her first."

"I know, I know!" Sadamitsu pulled off the helmet and the armor vanished. He realized the D-Reader's first aid kit and pulled out some gauze. He recognized that Alice had a broken jaw (from having inflicted it on other people before), but didn't know what to do for it other than try and soak up the blood.

"Can one of you call an ambulance?"


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