[my name is]: Bailey Ann Philbrick
[in the morning I am]: usually awake, because I'm a morning person
[all i need is]: good times with good friends
[love is]: indescribable (sp?)
[if I could see one person right now]: Tom Delonge
[I'm afraid of]: thunderstorms, spiders, open heights, needles
[i dream about]: really akward situations
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R ?
[pictured your crush naked?]: i don't HAVE a picture... haha yes i have
[actually seen your crush naked]: yes
[been in love]: yes
[cried when someone died]: definitely
[drank alcohol]: yeah
[lied]: yes
W I T H - T H E - O P P O S I T E - S E X ?
[what do you notice first?]: smile
[last person you slow danced with]: scott
[worst thing to say]: anything mean (it makes me sad)
[scruff or clean shaven]: either/or... i'm not picky
[tall or short]: in the middle
W H O ?
[makes you laugh the most?]: sasha and caitlin
[makes you smile]: scott caitlin and sasha
[gives you a good funny feeling when you see them]: scott
[has a crush on you?]: scott
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: it depends on who it is
D O - Y O U - E V E R ?
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: once or twice
[save aol/aim conversations]: unfortunately yes
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: too many times
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R ?
[fallen for your best friend]: no
[been rejected]: yes
[rejected someone]: yes
[used someone]: no
[been cheated on]: yes
[done something you regret]: yes
W H O - W A S - T H E - L A S T - P E R S O N ?
[you talked to]: my mom
[hugged]: scott
[you instant messaged]: scott
[you laughed with]: scott
D O - Y O U ?
[color your hair]: i used to, but not recently
[habla espanol]: only a little
H A V E - Y O U ? // D O - Y O U ? / / A R E - Y O U?
[smoke]: no way
[obsessive]: it depends on my mood
[could you live without the computer?]: yes, i lived without one until 8th grade...
[how many peeps are on you buddylist?]: uhm, 82
[what's your favorite food?]: spaghetti and meatballs
[whats your favorite fruit?]: strawberries
[which hurts the most, physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional. dur
[trust others way too easily?]: i guess you could say that
F I N A L - Q U E S T I O N S ?
[i want]: to find whatever it is i'm looking for
[i wish]: that people weren't so mean
[i love]: scott jeffreys batson, and ice cream from ben and jerrys
[i miss]: old friends
[i fear]: clowns, spiders, needles...
[i hear]: rain on my roof
[i wonder]: what i'll be doing in ten years
first real best friend: jess bolger
first real memory: preschool i suppose...
first car: 89 ford tempo
first date: real date? uhhh 8th grade maybe? 9th? i dunno.
first real kiss: we're not gonna mention it
first real break-up: daniel racaniello
first job: picadilly deli
first screen name: baileyp0303
first self-purchased album: TLC- Crazy, Sexy, Cool
first funeral: my grandmothers.
first pet: jake, my golden retriever
first piercing: ears
first big trip: disneyworld when i was 4
first concert: the hippos in ptown
first music you remember hearing in your house: Jimmy Drown [J.D. and the Do-Rights]
last cigarette: never had one
last car ride: about 2 hours ago
last kiss: about 2 hours and 15 mins ago
last good cry: last night
last movie seen: peter pan
last swear word uttered: i don't remember
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: cinnamon toast crunch
last crush: scott
last phone call: like an hour and 45 mins ago
last tv show watched: will and grace
last time showered: an hour ago
last shoes worn: my brown ones from american eagle
last cd played: a dashboard mix
last item bought: food
last annoyance: my mom
last disappointment: i don't want to talk about it
last time wanting to die: i dunno
last time scolded: today
last shirt worn: other than the field hockey camp one i have on now, my blue polo
Can you tell that I'm bored,
and procrastinating because I have a paper to finish...
The end.