Dec 06, 2004 12:31
the best 2 days--- ever.
first I accidentally ran into thebratqueen yesterday on the bellydancing link--oh wow and double wow
I think I went "eep!", and swallowed my gum -- *tosses hair*
of course I did manage to say "hi" first. .. (but that is about it *ego deflates*
oh, and this morning I nipped over to thebratqueen's site and she either does, or is interested in reiki -- which would have probably caused a faint and a squeal had I known.
that is freaking unbelievable
I have something in common with a celebrity. . . (besides breathing air)
then today-- I finally get up the courage to speak to Herself
and ask about her book that has been published
I have always known with a certainty that she would be published--
really never doubted it. It just is. (or was)
you could just feel it, within you, and "know" --
she is too good -- and was working avidly.
her site is amazing, her spuffy to die for, and she generously and graciously supports and points you to lesser known but really good fanfic writers (who wouldn't love that?)
but I've always known too, that waiting to be published, would be difficult for her (the waiting is interminable) it would be a living, dragging, daily hell.
so today she gives us this lovely snippet of novel at her site-- and the names are different. (which is okay--but I was curious--
I already know that I and many others will be purchasing said manuscript when it is published)
I am hoping personally one day that stupid M.E. will license her for some of her spuffy
(hey its my dream world-- I can live in it the way I want)
but they really should-- as she helped the fans enjoy the show so much, and that had to have added to its popularity, and helped both it and Ats stay on the air longer.
so in general-- I'm a fan of her work-- I get that. but I hope in general now she will know it too-- questions on the net can seem confrontational or unexpectedly hurtful.
so I timidly ask what happened to the novel with stuart, louisa, david, john.
and she REPLIES!!!
if I'd had gum -- heimlich would have been required (or those long prong-y things)
(yeah--was watching ER earlier-)
Herself says that its a different novel, so I look at my fav sites and give her the addy (cause really-- it's just too difficult for her to have to, when mine is right there
and she graciously tells me .. um, something. LOL (that she's glad that I enjoyed it. VERY.)
which was lovely of her--
I've always wondered if these incredible ladies of fanfic know that when they speak to us mere mortals --- it totally makes our week!
it is they whom we admire most. who we strive to be like. and in my secret dribbles of prose and fiction, or even exposition; was inspired by.
(so I totally think its the absolute coolest!) and VERY nice of her.
as it was thebratqueen. I wonder if she's a reiki master too?
call me pathetic-- I don't care-- 2 women whose work I admire and adore, "said hi" to ME this week-- *sticks out tongue*
they spoke to me !!! (sort of)
I haven't felt this good since that run in with springsteen (when I didn't have a crush then but managed to after--(the tickets were a present)
I read everything that I know of by Herself
anyway, I never wanted to sing-- just write :)
plus-- I want that spuffy icon!
dear God help me, she spoke to me--beside that . . . a perfect moment. *bliss*
faint heart never won fair lady-- and I may be easily pleased. . .
but only about important things. . . *laughs out loud*
and enjoys the day further :)
(which is actually unusually cold, windy, and bitey)
who the frell cares? :)
It's MY DAY.
and wishes a nice one to you too, thank you very much. . . *nods & waves* perkily ~~~