May 06, 2008 23:02
It's not like I can or should complain. My upstairs neighbor is kind enough to split the DSL line down to us for free. It's been down for about two weeks now because he needs to get a new part for the server. So I'm stuck going to coffee shops, like the one I'm in now. The boy at the counter couldn't make a good cafe au lait if his life depended on it. But, he is pretty and tragically hip. But fuck, if I'm blowing my last two bucks on a coffee, can't it at least be good?
My boy has been back in town since Thursday. It's been really nice having him around. However, he still has MAJOR problems with money, as in racking up almost $500 in overdraft fees since the first of the year and failing to pay his tab at the hotel he was in so that they charged it to my credit card, since that was the only one they had on file. Not cool. Not at all. We're finally joining our finances since he'll be getting a real salary and I'm spending the summer working on my dissertation. This is the first time in my life I haven't been earning some money. Guess I'm a real wifey now. Bleck. Never wanted to be a wife. I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him, I'm just not all that head up on marriage. Marriage is an institution, and I never felt that I needed to be institutionalized.
I'm wasting time. I need to be writing.
I think I will be utilizing the lovely pills my bff sent me. I need to concentrate and stay up to finish, since I've been fucking off for three hours. Yeah I smart like dat.