Don't Drink the Coffee

Feb 08, 2005 16:33

Hey hey everyone out there in cyber-land! (Or those who actually READ my journal) It's update time! YAY! This past week was a LONG one, but it was great in the same respect. Kostas (the Greek guy) came to visit me this past week. He was in Greece (lucky bastard) for 4 weeks and then here for a week. He's now back home in Colorado. I felt bad because I wasn't able to hang out with him as much as I would have liked because I was stuck in class all week. My roomie was supposed to come down to visit as well, but she had a little car trouble, so she wasn't able to come. But she'll be here soon enough. Kostas and I missed her though. But we did have quite the adventure in the city on Saturday. Believe you me. Here's the story:

The day started off on an annoying note. We were going to catch the shuttle to the ferry, but it was leaving EARLY for once, and the guy just drove off. So we had to get a cab. But we got to the ferry in time, so that was cool. We then headed up to Times Square and did some wandering around. We got lunch at Sbarro (how New York . . . NOT). Then, we went to go see if we could get tickets to "Avenue Q" but the show was sold out. So we decided that we were going to try for the lottery later that night. We went to Toys R Us and hung out there for a while. Then we went to the Hershey's shop and marvled at all the chocolate.

This led to more wandering around, and we somehow ended up at the Church of Scientology. Kostas wanted to take a picture in front of it to freak out his mom, so we did. Then this creepy woman asked us what we knew about Scientology, and dragged us into the building. CREEPY! That's all I can say. They asked us if we wanted to take this personality test, and Kostas refused. I decided that I'd humor them. So I take the test, and they analyze it. Apparently, they get this graph back, and then they tell you in which areas you need to improve. So they take me in this back room, and tell me that I am basically the worst human being on earth. I laughed in their faces. I then proceeded to tell them that they are all a bunch of crazies. I was having a ball. There's yet another religious group I have openly mocked . . . and to their faces. Scientologists -- check. Menonites -- check. Mormons -- check. Now I just have to decide who's next.

After that, we went to the "Avenue Q" theatre and tried the lottery. Unfortunately, we didn't win. I decided it was the Scientologist's doing. They willed us to lose. So we wandered over to the "Phantom of the Opera" theatre and got $20 standing room only tickets. We then had dinner at Applebee's before the show. We were MUCHO lucky at the show, because we only had to stand for the first act. There were 2 empty seats in front of us that we planned on taking at intermission. Kostas did some spying on the people standing next to us which was AWESOME! (They were trying to be crafty and speak in Greek) They had the same plan that we did, but we beat them to it. HA HA!

After the show, we were going to go to a comedy club, but we wouldn't have made it there in time. So we ended up going to Coldstone to get ice cream. It was like CLUB COLDSTONE! There was loud music and dancing, and craziness. It was hot! We hopped on the subway and headed back toward the ferry. We thought we had missed the boat (it was 5 minutes past) so we were prepared for a long wait at the station. But . . . lucky for us, the boat was late. I said it was because I was using my new Scientology powers to will us to make the ferry (it's my new thing . . . WILLING things).

A lot of other things happened, but I'm hungry. So I think I'm going to will myself some food. Maybe I'll post later . . . but only if others join me and my new friends -- the Scientologists! JOIN US!!! *Insert evil laughter here*

Just kidding. Ha ha! Fooled you! Ok. Not really . . .
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