Nov 27, 2009 17:02
I think my title is really funny, only because I now work in software development. I actually made one of our developers (who never even smiles) laugh out loud when I told my team that I wanted them to deliver this milestone before I delivered - but that I was already feature complete. Translation: I'm at full term now, so if I go into labor they won't try to slow it down because the baby is ready!
As for the bug part, for the very first time during my pregnancy I caught a virus of some kind, this is appears to be a common cold. I've actually been feeling like I might catch something for at least a week - you know, tired and a bit achy by end of day, throat hurting a bit - but I've been pushing the EmergenC and orange juice so I managed to stave it off until, of course, I had a 4-day weekend. It's amazing what mind over matter can do.
My biggest worry when I could tell on Wednesday that I was in fact coming down with something was that it was a flu of some kind, because theoretically you are not protected by vaccines for 2 weeks until your body builds up antibodies. And knowing folks who've been flattened by the flu recently I was not looking forward to it, in fact I had a bad dream or two about it.
The first night was awful, I will admit. I already wake up every 2 hours to pee, so now I'd get up and my head would be super stuffy and my throat would hurt so I couldn't get back to sleep for an hour, which would only give me another hour before I woke up again. I got up voluntarily at 5am on Wednesday and 6am on Thursday, but once I was upright and had Sudafed (luckily I also had a doctor appointment Wednesday and could ask what was safe to take) I felt much better. In fact, I expected to be far more disabled than it turns out that I am, guess I still have a pretty strong natural immune system thank goodness - but I suspect I will be blowing my nose often for several more days.
My doctor also did a quick baby positioning check (he's head down, which is good!) as well as cervix check. No surprises there either, the baby is still high in the womb, hasn't dropped yet, and my cervix is completely closed. This can theoretically all change quickly but I'm going to take it as a sign that I will definitely be able to work all next week and am also still on track for expecting a Capricorn baby. :)