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sarcastic_fina This is called the "alternative life meme" and basically you have to fill out the questions with fictional characters that come to your mind. Pick a different person for each answer. No repetitions! And I so deselected celebrity there because I think most of them suck.
1. The guy you would take to meet your parents:
Dell Parker from Private Practice.
2. The one girl you would do:
Callie Torres from Grey's Anatomy.
3. The guy you'd have sex with in your parents bed:
Dean Winchester. Could you imagine the excuse he'd come up with if caught?
4. The girl you'd take to the mall:
Addison Montgomery from Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice. She's got style.
5. Your male BFF:
Chris Halliwell from Charmed.
6. Your female BFF:
Lisa Cuddy from House.
7. Your gay BFF:
Jack from Will and Grace. Love. Him.
8. The guy who'd take you to prom:
Ben Campbell from 21.
9. Your big brother:
Kevin Doyle from 27 Dresses.
10. The guy you'd marry:
Sam Winchester. He's got issues, but he's a decent guy.
11. The two guys you'd have a threesome with:
Seeley Booth and Oliver Queen.
12. The girl and guy you'd have a threesome with:
Callie Torres and Mark Sloane from Grey's Anatomy. It would be HOT.
13. The guy you'd go clubbing with:
Sam Axe from Burn Notice. He may be old, but I think he really knows how to party and has some great stories.
14. The guy you'd have angry hot sex with:
Bruce Wayne.
Some answers would definitely be different if there wasn't a no repeats rule. ;D
I tag whoever feels like snagging.