Dude. I come home from work and the fandom has erupted. I see pitchforks and burning thatched roof cottages! Good lord....
I'm declaring this LJ as Switzerland. I want no part of the rioting. Hell, I don't want to know what/when/how/why shit went down. I'm not taking sides in whatever is happening between the fandom groups, I'm just....neutral.
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I love you and your Switzerland tactics.
Ooh, writing? I support this. It's a much more useful use of your time. Do I hear Librarian series? *smiles hopefully*
Fandom isn't worth getting bothered over. Not for me at least.
Could be Librarian series. It's Spawn Tuesday tomorrow! Got to get that written. I've been working full time lately. Weird how I had more time to write while in school than when I'm on break...
It isn't ... I screwed up and I learned my lesson ... that's all there needs to be said.
KAL PENN ICON? YOU win at life!
And I totally forgot about Spawn Tuesday!! Yay!
The case for me is that I'm always more inclined to write when I'm at school. At home, I slip into laziness.
Ooh, for happier news, I'm going to see Made of Honor this weekend! I talked my sister into going with me. So be prepared to be bothered.
Of course, Kal Penn! :D He's my new favorite "cottage" on House. Oh, Kutner....
He's a professional defibrillatist, dontchyaknow. ;D Seriously, even if you don't watch House, you should watch just for him.
Oh, I'll be waiting for the bothering to begin!
Awesome! I'm really hoping to see it Friday or Saturday.
Nice. You'll enjoy it!
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