I got
drawing time in early today. I also have a
couple of others I've
worked on this week. I've also been googling for an explanation of STDIN that makes sense to me, and until I do, I'm stuck on exercise 13 of the ruby book a technical writer published online. I also started artist research this morning for a cover for the magazine. I've seen one or two possibilities, but I probably won't submit any comps until the end of the week.
In media-related news, from my facebook feed, a link to Kevin Bacon re-creating a
dance scene from Footloose to celebrate the 30th Anniversary. I've been googling for model sheets from the buffy comic again, with no luck, but I did see this animated short from the canceled Buffy, the
animated series, for which Eric Wight did the concept art. Spotify is streaming
Cherlene's country
album for free accounts.
I had one new query on Friday, and I'm still waiting to hear back from the recruiters about the other applications I submitted this week. I also put in a bid on a small project, and stayed home in case I got selected, but I didn't hear anything there either. I'm thinking I should put in a little time at the library for interview prep, just in case any of those queries pan out. I may wait until Monday and spend Sunday working on my ruby issues.