Feb 23, 2006 12:34
1) Are your parents married or divorced?: Married.
2) Vegetarian?: Nope. Though I'm not a huge meat fan.
3) Believe in Heaven?: I believe in the Cure. Aw. (Refrence: Just Like Heaven)
4) Ever come close to dying?: No.
5) What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: None.
6) Are you eating?: I believe filling out surveys involves ingesting a large amount of SOMETHING.
7) Do you eat the broccli stems?: Depends on my mood. I'm spontaneous like that.
8) Makeup?: Tru dat.
9) Were you the dumper in your relationships?: Is it always supposed to be the same across the board? Let me tally up the majority total...carry the 2.....It's been pretty equal. Or what usually happens is they break up with me, we get back together...then I break up with them to exact my revenge. HA.
10) Would you ever have plastic surgery?: Ugh. If I was asked this question a day before I might have said no, but I just saw my nose on camera.
11) What do you wear to bed?: PJ pants, shirt...and with this apartment... a sweat shirt.
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?: I take U turns anytime, anywhere, baby. It's called living in the fast lane.
13) Can you roll your tongue?: YEZ.
14) Pluck your eyebrows?: Half Greek. Make an educated guess.
15) What kind of watch(es) do you wear?: I don't.
16) Abortion?: Pro choice.
17)Favorite flower? Orchid
18) Future child's name? It was going to be Ariana, but apparently that's popular lately! I'm going to have to make up something stupid now.
19) Do you snore? Rachel says I do, but I think she lies. Everyone else says no.
20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? Somewhere warm beach oriented...but Japan...doesn't really seem like a vacation though, more for interest's sake.
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Yes.
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: Open a ROTH Ira WOOO!
23) Gold or silver?: silver.
24) Hamburger or Hot Dog?: Hamburger
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?: Sushi
26) Beach, city, or country?: Beach
27) Where do you eat?: Kitchen? IS that the right answer? elstupido.
28)Who was the last person you touched?: Emotionally? Every person I cross paths with. Aw. Physically: Lauren Faylor.
29) When's the last time you cried?: A few days ago me thinks.
30) Have you loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: No.
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: See profile images.
32) Ever been involved with the police?: Hubba.
33) Believe in Santa?:
34) Do you talk in your sleep?: Yeah.
35) Beach or pool?: Beach
36) Can you cross your eyes?: Yes.
37) What's your favorite song at the moment?: Maps
38) Window seat or aisle?: Window
39) Ever met any famous bands/singers?: No.
40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship?: ...I'd probably still be in them???
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl.
42) Rickie Lake or Oprah Winfrey?: Oprah
43) Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted?: I'm like Honest Abe...(who probably could have also used a nose job.)
44) How long does your shower last? Heh heh heh...depends.
45) Do you drive a stick shift car?: Sort of.
26) Cake or Ice cream?: Cake
47) Self-conscious?: MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Hum!
48)What time do you get up?: Now a days it's been pretty late.
49) Have you ever given money to a bum?: No.
50) When was your first crush?: Matt Stephenson
51) Where do you wish you were? Home.
52) Have you ever broken someone's heart?: Yez.
53) Ever been given a ring?: No.
54) Longest relationship?: Heh...um. Does that off and on bullshit count? If not, Like, a year.
55) Last gift you received?: A little "Year of the dog"thing from Irina.
56) Last sport you played?: Table tennis
57) Things you've spent the most time on?: Theater, Photography, obsessing.
58) Where do you live?: Astoria
59) High school you attend/attended: Austin Poop...I mean prep LOL!
60) Last wedding attended: Elizabeth
61) Favorite fast food restaurant: Wendy's.
62) Where do you work: I hate this question right now.
63) Can you cook?: I'm getting there.
64) Most hated food: Pork
65) Current Crush: Grape? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Commital answers aren't my thing.