hey journal hey journal HEY!

Mar 05, 2002 15:24

heh today was an good day i guess.. nothin special bout it.. nothin bad.. so it was.. good ;x ive got a super idea.. im gonna tell you about what happened in school in each subject.. how clever... well here it is:

health- hum we were like talking about drugs the whole time and it was really boring and i kept lookin at the clock like JEEZ PERIOD.. END ALREADY ;x

social studies- we got this packet thing and then we watched a movie and only some people took notes (i filled up one page writing really small and like made use of every bit of space lol)

music- uh we had to listen to arab music. 1 word: SCARY! i mean mrs friedman likes sting, you would think she would be interested in like oh i dont know BEETHOVEN but NOOOOOOOOOOo she has to like sting (ew ;x)

spanish- we went down to the library to like research the people we were gonna be for spanish day and possibly begin writing our speech thing. there is not ONE freakin book on selena!!! *offended* so i had to wait for ppl to get off the computer so i could go on.. i printed out 3 pages of like notes ;x (no pictures because she was wearing like belly shirts and bras in the pictures i found o.O)

science: hum.. nothing much.. all we basially did was talk the whole period about the section we were reading and corrected the homework.. oh and he yelled at all of us because everyone but lisa quinn had her grade record sheet filled out, and she dint even have it ALL.. she had up to 2/14 lmfao ;x

english/rip rap: lol jeff n aimee were like.. fighting over who to put on the board for helena (just incase u dont know, shes a character in a midsummer's night dream.. by shakespeare..) jeff put aimee, then aimee put jeff, then jeff put aimee, then aimee just left it erased, and then jeff put casey (milito) AHHAHA ;x okay and then in rip rap it was really boring we had to write the whole period and mrs urban made me go exchange her chair.. lazy butt :P

algebra- uh we just like.. went over the homework the whole time ;x *a little confusing, but i eventually got it ;x*

social studies- (yes people thats right, TWO SS IN ONE DAY!! TORTURE! :P) okay well we went over the homework and talked about the chapter the whole time and i kept .. contributing my services.. heh ;x im like raising my hand for everything i was pissed i knew every answer im like I KNOW IT ;x and then i raised my hand to ask questions hah she doesnt call on me enough.. she needs to call on me so i will get it right and that will boost my self-esteem! LOLOLOLOL ;x

that pretty sums up my day ;x

ive got sum new friends they are spiffyful here they are:
katie, megan, justin (not paquet or frey lol), uhm.. chelsea (all of them are 7th graders o.O.. and you know the luck ive had withem!) and uhm.. i dont know i cant remember them all *god im popular* -- no lol JUST kidding im so not even close ;x im really happy n dreamy right now.. so that will be my mood lol.. im in a good mood today!! EVERYONE CLAP!! ahahha..

you can clap in the comments! CLAP! I ORDER YOU!! *gets angry* just do it ;x heh
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