Hey guys.
Nope I didn't die.
I've been busy.
My girlfriends family moved in and things have been a bit crazy.
I want to say thank's to Shannon for setting up the Style two for me. I really apreciate it.
I would have but I just haven't the time and when I do my back hurts me more then anything.
It's like a rock and a hard place.
Thank's to everyone that has sent me Emails and comments asking how I am.
It's always nice to know someone cares. I seem to have a lot that care :)
Anyway. I haven't forgotten anyone. Right now I am working still on the themes; I have abotu 4 that are compleated that need to be posted. Yes I know bad me.
I have started 3 communitys for photos that I will be posting the names soon.
Another few notes.
- Please read the rules listed on the right of the journal.
I am really tired of getting comments asking if I will do there request when I have clearly said that I am not.
- Credit is mandatory.
- Just because I add you on this journal dose NOT mean that I will add you to my personal journal.
If you assume so; your wrong.
I only add people I know. My journal is my own private place to talk and vent to people. I would like to keep it that way.
Hmmm I think that's about all I have to say right at the moment.
I will try to get some of my new stuff added on here as soon as I can.
I really appreciate everyones patents with this.
ohhh on another note for thoughs of you that have a
http://www.caleida.com/ journal you will see that some of my themes are there on public use.