Feb 04, 2006 20:02
There are a few annoying things to note about LJ.
1) There is no delete multiple entries facility. A few hundred entries later, and braving the risk of OOS (That's occupational overuse syndrome) , I've successfully deleted all my old entries.
2) The free account templates are ugly. I guess that was one of the attractive features with blogger (Where I've been for the past.... 79 weeks? Even so, I stoped updating blogger a while back)
That about ends my gripes for now. I guess the most attractive feature about LJ accounts is the community features, and the ability to link.
I know that deleting entries out of a journal may appear contrary to the purpose of having one, but I've never seen this place as a vault of my most private thoughts. After all, a blog is just another forum for public comment isn't it? And I think it's safe to assume that all other entries contained here within (prior to deletion) do not fittingly reflect my attitude or disposition as it stands today.
Hard to believe that I started in early 2002, and almost 4 years later I'm re-starting this journal :) That just makes me feel old....
So what's new? Where do I start? So instead of recounting everything that's past, I'll just account for what's new moving forward.
So to the impressive void out there reading this. a warm hello!