
Apr 27, 2005 12:55

Need something to do while I wait for the occupational therapist to come visit my grandmother.

01. favorite color: green
02. favorite drink: coffee
03. favorite computer accessory: my Smack-a-Mac plush thing that you hit instead of your computer when it fucks up.
04. favorite cookie: peanut blossoms (the peanut butter ones with Hershey’s Kisses on top)
05. favorite author: blah...Lillian Jackson Braun?
06. favorite beatle: given the spelling, I’ll have to say Lennon. :-P (Favorite Beetle is naturally Emily-Celeste.)
08. favorite chipmunk: I never really watched them.
09. favorite ice cream: Phish Food
10. favorite lover: Josh, hands-down.
11. do you believe in love at first sight: no.
12. do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom: usually
13. do you put empty cartons back in the fridge: no, that’s stupid
14. do you do things you know you shouldn’t: most likely
15. do you take responsibility: always
16. do you have someone else’s underwear: noo...
17. do you associate with people you don’t even like: only by force
18. do you have any psychological disorders: oh, I’ll guess at depression
19. do you drink diet soda: yep, since it’s 0 points
20. do you kiss on the first date: [shrug] sure.
21. have you masturbated in front of someone not your lover: no!
22. Broken the law: several
23. have you had one too many to drink: it’s only 12:30, I’m still on water and coffee
23. have you stuffed cocoa puffs up your nose: uh, no.
24. have you backed into something: a light post base at PetCo years ago and a shopping cart corral at Lowe’s more recently.
25. have you graduated high school: nope!
26. have you bitten someone until they bled: certainly not.
27. have you ever stolen a street sign: uh, no.
28. have you ever been kissed: well yah.
29. have you ever been in a food fight: no, but there was this sugar-packet incident in middle school...
30. have you ever sucked helium: no.
31. what are you not doing: working on the KidsQuest craft prototypes.
31. what are you talking about: I’m not talking to anyone at the moment.
32. what are you wearing: my gray striped pants, a white tank top with lace edging, and my shiny blue button-down shirt
33. what are you craving: more coffee
35. what are you lacking: someone to screw around with on Sunday, money, and Josh (1 and 3 are synonymous, hmm).
36. what are you going to do after this: talk to the occupational therapist about my grandmother, housework, and maybe those prototypes, and then teach my ESL class, and then go get drunk for Jen’s birthday out in Dartmouth.
37. what are you dependent on: coffee and my car.
38. what are you hoping: that Josh will take his head out of his ass, the Sox will quit losing, and that I can still move out and go to school full-time in the fall.
39. what are you reading: An Ye Harm None. A book on Pagan ethics.
40. what are you listening to: “Serenity,” Godsmack.
41. last movie you saw: The Great Muppet Caper at home, Coach Carter was last in theater.
42. last person you touched: Kathy at Chandler Magnet. We shook hands.
43. last person you yelled at: well, my dogs.
44. last time you gave head: February
45. last person you told you loved: my cat before she died.
46. last thing you drank: water
47. last year, what were you for Halloween: myself.
48. last year, you were: more gainfully employed.
49. last time you were on the phone: just now, with some stupid credit recording, and before that, the physical therapist.
50. last song you heard: “Doolin’ Dalton,” The Eagles.
51. do you want to get married / divorced: no. Unless it’s Josh, in which case the marriage is just a requirement from the stupid Navy.
52. do you want to have children: gods forbid.
53. do you want to tell certain people off: the DICK what runs the site of my new ESL class comes to mind.
55. do you want to be somewhere else: [shrug]
56. do you want to be someone else: no, but I’d like my life to suck less.
57. do you want to be famous: not particularly, but fame often goes with a political career.
59. do you want to hug anyone: meh.
60. do you want to make a difference: it’s why I’m here.
61. how do you feel about PDA: obnoxious.
62. how do you feel about the other PDA: I’d probably be lost without mine.
63. how do you feel about sex: woo! But Beltane is Sunday and I be all by my lonesome. :-(
64. how do you feel about president bush: we the people elected a fucking MORON for president. Bah.
65. how do you feel about birth control: lower the prices and make it easier to get, gods dammit.
66. how do you feel about abusive relationships: abusers should be jailed.
67. how do you feel about the internet: very attached.
68. how do you feel about your family: we all live off the same hallway in the same house. Dear gods, help us all.
69. how do you feel about your friends: love them to death.
70. how do you feel about abortion: KEEP IT LEGAL!
71. do you like jelly beans: no
72. do you like it when it rains: no. It makes my basement flood.
73. do you like to drive: I’m getting tired of it.
74. do you like to eat out: sure.
75. do you like being home: not usually.
76. do you like the people (or animals) you live with: mostly.
78. do you like Microsoft: NO
79. do you like your name: [shrug] I like the way I spell it now better than the way it was legally before I was 18.
82. worst feeling in the world: isolation
83. worst color combination: go see my bathroom before I finish painting in there. That’s it.
84. worst color: olive
85. worst taste to burp: ?
86. worst thing about people: closed-mindedness
88. worst element on the periodic table: arsenic, since I don’t have any on hand.
89. worst disease / infection to get: probably meningitis or Marburg or Ebola.
90. worst position to sleep in: one that pinches nerves in my neck
91. you are: tired
92. you are: lonesome
93: you are: cold
94. you are: frustrated
95. you are: busy
96. you are: enigmatic
97. you are: fed up
I am not: happy
I love: Josh. :-(
I hate: everything.
I fear: rabid conservatives and all fundamentalists.
I hope: things start going better soon.
I hear: Sheryl Crow and a fluorescent bulb.
I crave: peace and quiet.
I regret: nothing.
I cry: freedom.
I care: for everyone.
I always: need sleep.
I believe: that my life is obviously karmic punishment.
I feel alone: always.
I listen: well.
I hide: my addiction to NeoPets.
I drive: too much. (50,300 in 2.75 years)
I dance: ONLY when seriously drunk.
I write: fiction.
I play: recorder, tambourine, and Scrabble.
I miss: Josh. :-(
I learn: from the past.
I feel: tired.
I know: that the gods are laughing at me.
I say: “I am what I am.”
I succeed: at knitting.
I dream: odd things.
I wonder: when things will look up.
I want: to live a different life.
I have: too much to do and not enough time.
I give: all.
I fight: rarely.
I need: a break.

*5 things you are wearing*
1. Shoes and socks
2. Trousers
3. Tank top
4. Underwear
5. Jewelry

*5 things you can see*
1. My computer, duh.
2. The hunting tapestry
3. My English Guinness pint glass
4. The bathroom window
5. The tall bookcase

*5 things you ate in the last 24 hours*
1. Chicken
2. Fries
3. Apple pie
4. Popcorn
5. Pierogies

*5 things you did so far today*
1. Took a shower
2. Drank half my coffee
3. Tried to administer ESOL placement testing, but ran around the school stupidly instead. Not my fault.
4. Ate lunch.
5. Perfected my syllabus
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