Jan 30, 2007 01:11
"But what is this Anonymous Theatre of which you speak?," I hear you cry. Here's the deal. The outcome of the day’s auditions will be kept secret from everyone. Everyone... Even from the cast itself. If cast, you will learn your role and your role only. You will not be given the identity of your fellow cast members, and you will reveal your participation in the project to no one. No one will know you are in it, and you won't know who else is in it. Ideally, no one will even know you auditioned! You will have a director who will meet with you privately to run lines, discuss the play, handle basic blocking and logistics, and give you everything you need -- except the rest of your cast.
Then, on the night of the performance, the cast will arrive in street clothes and enter the theatre as if they are members of the audience. They will take seats in the house. They will read their programs, chat with their neighbors, and in all ways behave like normal audience members. The house lights will dim and the play will begin, each actor delivering their first line from their seat before entering the playing area. All cast members will discover one another’s identity for the first time on stage, in front of a live audience.
Come be a part of the secret.