Six Flags!

Oct 30, 2005 00:04 was pretty fucked up. I went to church and then Six Flags...

WOW! What a big waste of time. As soon as I get up there I have to wait a million gazillion hours to get my ticket. Then my boyfriend calls me and tells me he's up there. I wait for my brother and his friend to get there ticket and I meet up with my Devin < (My boyfriend) So he asks me if I wanted to chill w/ him and his friends or w/ some bitches from my school. I was like "Nigga I didn't come up here to be with some girls" So he was walking all ahead of me and shit so I was like fuck it. I left him. So I meet up with my friend Alympia and we walking around. It was cold as shit outside but the Face was keeping me warm as shit. So we all go towards the haunted house. That shit was like 5 dollars to get in and the line was like this -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------fucking long! So we was like hell no cause it was like 9:00 and the joint closed at 10. So we went to the free one which was even longer. Oh and in the mean time I was all bunned up with this cute boy (hoping that Devin would see) We was like fuck it. So you know that there was a fight. Everybody running. It was like a fucking stampede. Knocking people over and shit. I'm so confused. Why do people run towards fights? That is so dumb. I mean I'm not going to lie I did do that but I don't anymore that's so fucking dumb. So basically that was a waste of time. I was mad as shit. And then at the end I see Devin and the cute nigga I was with was still next to me. He was mad like shit but I don't care cause he pissed me off leaving me and shit. But I'm tired as hell!
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