Aug 02, 2008 15:18
I have had my Theater final....A
Antomy and Physiology Lecture..B+ (made a 97 on the final)
I have the antomy and physiology lab left hopefully an A
So here is a thought...
I have been looking at homes in Oregon. We want to move in about 3 years to someplace cooler. The heat really messes with Chris. It is sooooooHOT and HUMID here, near unbearable (well for CHris it is) I also have been looking in Ventura county. I have to find a place that I can afford to own a a home, plus I need at least a half acre of land for my doggies. I found a nice house in Ojai. I know right now that I am just looking, I have about 2 years more of nursing school, then I want to work for a good year to get experience then we will be ready. We just want somewhere that is not too humid with like highs in the 80"s ish.
Right now it is all dreamimg. But something to look forward to. Plus I will be closer to all my friends. (maybe an hour or more but that is way closer than I am now!)
Oh BTW I already got a acholarship for the fall semester! YAY!
So any ideas on where to move...????