May 01, 2004 13:07
hey whats up hommie g's! lol ya i kno i am such a loser, but ummmm ya well one again someone whi i think is cute(read the entry b-4 this one) is taken by one of my friends. la-dee-freakin-da! geeze! why do i fall for ppl that my pals like? what is it? see i meet some one that is cute and then i finde out later that my friend likes them too! jeeeeze!well i was kinda surprized that i met another guu that i thought was cute... but lets not forget that i didnt want to hook up with him only because... i don't like guys. well neways...i went to the movies yesterday. i saw mean girls. its a really funny movie. but something happend while i was in the theaztre. i was sitting next to my ex grl friend, and you could say that we are kinda close. but not like that . i just kept on lookig at her wondering what is she thinkking? you guys have no idea how badly i just wanted to lean over to her and just kiss her. god! i thought that iwas over her, but its just that (sigh) i dunno. i dont understand things between us. oh and befor we had went to the movies,we were at bk and this guy was trying to get me to go eat with him and i was like sorry i dont do guys, he was like me neatather. then i was like i kool i dont swing that way. then he said i dont swing that way eather. then i just got really mad and i wanted to say look tis is my lady( and point to ruby),and when i looked at her she was just laughing, so i just said dog i am fucking lez. and then he just got mad and flipped me off and walked away. i told ruby... normally it works a lot faster when i tell people that i am gay to turn them down. then we just laughed., but then i was just flirting with ruby and everyone but her could see it, because of rubber toe(roberto her boifriend :( (girrrrr i hate him he is soooo fake!) but ya kno what now i am just gonna be the way i used to be and that is verry flurtatious and real, less shy, more outgoing and viveatious. so be ready to see the new me om monday!!!!:) well gotta go wake up dragon lady! byyyeeeeeee!