(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 23:21

You can't have both; Choose one.

Ben or Matt: Ben
Orlando or Johnny: Orlando
Spice Girls or Dream: Spice Girls
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Blonde or Brunette: brunette...but I'm a blonde at heart ;-)
Blue eyes or Brown eyes: Brown
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Dogs or Cats: dogs
Christina or Britney: Christina
Lip-stick or Lip-gloss: Gloss
Rock or Rap: Rock
Prep or Punk: Prep
Pink or Purple: Pink!
Local place or Starbucks: Starbucks
Tv or Computer: Computer
CDs or Radio: CDs
Spanish or French: Both, actually
Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson: Brad Pitt
Basketball or Baseball: Baseball
Apples or Oranges: Apples
1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty: 1/2 Full
Morning or Night: Night
Chicken or Turkey: Chicken
Salmon or Tuna: Tuna
Poser or Poseur: Poseur
Freedom or Stability: Some of both is good, but if only one...stability
Cheez-Its or Cheese Nips: Cheez-Its
Birds or Bees: Birds
Rollercoasters or Waterrides: Waterrides
Drugs or Liquor: Liquor
Gold or Silver: Silver
Nike or Adidas: Adidas
80s or 90s: 80s
Preschool or Kindergarten: Preschool
Cubed or Crushed: Crushed
VH1 or MTV: MTV (ugh, i can't believe i'm admitting that)
Truth or Dare: Truth
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: Lord of the Rings
Pen or Pencil: Pen
Peppermint or Wintergreen: Peppermint
East Coast or West Coast: East
North or South: I'm a Southern girl :)
Pedicure or Manicure: Pedicure
Target or Kmart: Target
Top or Bottom: n/a
Hug or Kiss: Kiss
Sporks or Foons: Sporks
Cubs or Sox: Sox
Cake or Pie: cake
Rain or Snow: Rain
Fall or Spring: Fall
Winter or Summer: Winter
Swim or Float: Swim
Walk or Run: Walk
Beach or Mountains: Beach
City or Suburbs: City
Love or Lust: Love
Carmel or Car-a-mel: Caramel
Stars or Moons: Stars
N*sync or BSB: Nsync
Car or Truck: Car
7th Heaven or Everwood: Everwood
Skip-it or Hopscotch: Hopscotch
Fish or Birds: Fish
Shoes or Sandals: Sandals
Cough or Sneeze: Cough (sneezing hurts)
Bath or Shower: Shower
Stairs or Evevator: Stairs
Yes or No: Yes
Jelly-filled or Cream-filled: Cream
Loud or Soft: Soft
Sister or Brother: Sister
Michael Jordan or Dennis Rodman: Jordan
Nick or Disney: Disney
Fun or Boring: Fun
Ohio or Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania
New York or California: NY


- Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom
- Who was the last person you talked to in person? Whoever the Nightstaff guy was
- Who was the last person you talked to online? Beth
- Who was the last person you hung out with? Marian
- Who was the last person you saw in person? Nightstaff guy
- Who was the last person you took a picture with? umm...Amy at East Side Meeting
- Who was the last person you danced with?: Damien :-)


- What was the last thing you ate?: a brownie
- What was the last thing you drank?: water
- What was the last thing you did?: worked the front desk
- What was the last place you went?: the front desk
- What was the last movie you saw?: Sleepless in Seattle
- What was your last phone call about?: I was calling my mom to see if she found my nametag in my laundry
- What was your last instant message about?: Beth coming over here to watch movies since I can't leave the building


- Where did you go yesterday? Class, Chili's, Publix
- Where are your parents? at home
- Where do you keep your diary? in a MS Word document
- where are you at now?: at my desk
- Where were you last week? at school


- When was the last time you showered?: this afternoon
- When was the last time you hung out with your cousins: umm...I saw Zach on labor day
- When was the last time you were at the mall?: too long ago
- when was the last time you were absent?: yesterday, from Spanish


- Why are you taking this survey?: b/c I'm bored
- Why are you online? see above
- Why did they invent pencils?: to write with...
- Why did they come up with school?: to give parents free daycare


- How many siblings do you have? 1
- How many neices & nephews do you have? none
- How many bedrooms are in your house? 4 in the old house, 3 in the new
- How many pets do you have? none...my mom is anti-pets
- How many tvs do you have? one
- How many computers do you have?: 2, but only one at school with me
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