Sep 30, 2008 17:04
Well....I went to the Gastroenterologist yesterday. He has decided to give me a colonoscopy as well as a scope down the throat---& to top it off, the same day--while I am cleaned out anyway---I will have an MRI done of the stomach & pelvic area. Oh what a fun day!! :rolleyes:
The magic day will be October 16th at 7:30 in the morning. It will be done there in Texarkana on Moores Lane (1920 is the address, on Summerhill, turn by Applebee's--it is on the left). Hopefully I will be done in time for my OTHER appointment at ADVANCED IMAGING right around the corner from them on Summerhill.
The doctor thinks that it is GERD & IBS---but wants to make sure to check my gall bladder (thus the MRI). I think that I will be very out of it--that is if Shawn's experiences are any indication. Please keep us in mind that day & a couple of days before it (the prep will be hard)>
Also---Dawn (my boss) will be out again tomorrow & the next day. We have been very furiously trying to keep up with the students that have been piling in with both of us in here.....I am hoping that the next couple of days are a little slower!!!! I have posted that we are closing early tomorrow--that is so that I can make it to Choir Practice. :D Usually those days are slower, but lately......well you just never know.
I am kinda anxious about her being gone. :( That tends to be when the strange stuff happens.....butI have already told our under-aged students that I will need to recruit them to help me in the next couple of days. They have already taken the test & are waiting on their results so they are just killing time here until we get their results (legal mumbo-jumbo) so hopefully it won't be too terribly bad!!!