I had a weird dream last night, click to read.
I was in a house I did not recognize and there was some woman cleaning or something and then I hear a gun shot and people shouting in Spanish and everyone else in the house running to go see what was going on. So I hide in this room and this old homeless man comes and hides in a different room. More shouting in Spanish, another gunshot, and then he goes to see whats going on. When he comes back I stick my head out and he put his finger to his mouth and said "Shhh. Not safe."
So then I decide this hiding spots not good enough and I run into another room. This is when this group of people goes into the room and starts yelling at the old man. A woman kept saying "What do you want? A party! Throw yourself a party!"
Then they come and find me, they were dressed in old clothes, and had accents, but they weren't Spanish. There was like 4 of them. So this woman takes my hands and goes "What do you want?" And I go to say I don't want anything, that I'm pretty happy. And she made me sit down and explain. And I'm explaining and saying something like "I know that I'm not perfect and things are perfect and just everything in general isn't perfect." And the woman said "Enough! Things aren't perfect." And I was saying "But in general, I'm pretty happy because I just don't..." and then I woke up.