Title: Business as Usual
cooking_sprayPairing: Cain/Glitch
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: PG
Word Count: 10,530
Status: Complete
Summary: Cain deals with attraction in the most perfunctory way possible.
Forgive me again, Cain, as I'm sure I'm interrupting whatever really important thing you're doing that I'm positive I remembered the name of yesterday. . . )
Comments 22
"Tell me what does, Cain, because I haven't a clue."
That line was perfect.
And yes, there's enough canon subtext to sink a ship, with these two. =P
I really want to make a pun about it "sinking" the DG/Cain "ship" but that might be a bit mean, and also pretty lame ;)
Oh, and Cain's list of all the hard things he's done with Adora's pregnancy being last... I had to stop and giggle a moment. Too cute.
I adore little uncertain Glitch running away, and how you played with his memory. Really wonderful story, thank you for sharing.
I really like this line ^.^
Great story, and loved the letters idea. I also thought it was interesting how you made Glitch bring up Cain being with DG instead of him since he is the "prince" - an idea I'm surprised no one has thought of yet (at leats not what I have read anyway).
I usually am not ab ig fan of longer fics because my mind tends to wonder, but this had the perfect amount of romance and humor and plot. ^.^
And I'm surprised I haven't been beaten to the punch, actually (in your experience, at least). Most Cain/Glitch shippers that I've encountered seem to acknowledge the possibitity of Cain/DG (if only one-sidedly), but most Cain/DG shippers usually entirely overlook the possibility of Cain having an attraction to Glitch. It's a classic trope, fictionally speaking, and so I thought it'd be a reasonable conclusion for Glitch to jump to. (And Cain's reasoning mimics my own, too - ordinarily, I probably would've ended up on the other end of the shipping spectrum, had he and Glitch not had twice as much on-screen chemistry. . .)
Anyhow, I'm happy that you found the story enjoyable enough to stick with it! Thanks for commenting.
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