This week's IRL stupid award goes to...

May 06, 2011 10:44

...not Nadine Dorries for once, because in all honesty as long as she's in politics that woman is never going to give anyone else a chance. No this week it goes to Kylie Grimes.

Kylie is suing her non-friend's dad, Mr Hawkins, for £6 million, because it is his fault she is now paralysed.

Perhaps I ought to go back a bit....
Katie Hawkins, daughter of Mr Hawkins, decided, in her parents' absence, to have a few friends over. After a brief stint in the pub that number grew to about 20. Katie said she neither invited Kylie to her house nor did she expect people to use the swimming pool.

You may have guessed. Drunk, Kylie jumped into the pool and hit her head with such force that she is now paralysed.

She is suing Mr Hawkins as her injuries were the result of Mr Hawkin's negligence or breach of his duties under the Occupier's Liability Act. This could've been avoided if the pool house was locked or warning notices were put up.

*rolls eyes* Yes, because a/ when I go away I always worry for the safety of the gate crashers first and foremost and b/ when people are drunk a warning sign would've made all the difference!

Using that logic I half expect my upstairs neighbours to sue the local council for not warning them of the dangers of drunkenly racing down four flights of stairs at 4AM to get more booze.

On a side note I seem to have developed a chest infection in a record two days. I have quit smoking almost 3 weeks ago and I feel worse than I have before. I would like to go home now.

12 days till Paris.
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