Dec 09, 2006 23:10
five in the morning rambling.... mmmm keyboard yhjudf midf--- whowhahuh, I'm awake.
Heeh, keyboard is a funny word.
Msn is sucky, it keeps randomly logging me out... MSN YOU SUCK.
Why do I lose my eyes in every photo taken? I mean black blobs are not eyes!Srslydudewtfbbq?
It's the whole descendant of a mongol thing isn't it? Because, as Mulan taught us, when not pretending to be a creepy-ass gargoyle, those darn mongols are squinty eyed, bird-keeping trouble-makers! ..... bloody Mongols.
In real life my eyes are browny\green, not a black blob in sight.. yes, my real-life eyes are so awesome that they change colour! Obviously that's it, my real-life eyes are so incredibly incredible that modern-day-cameras have no chance of capturing the true incredibleness of them, so instead they slap a black smudge on and say "eyes will go here at some point in the future."
Uh.. yeah.. *shuts-up*
There should be a lock on keyboards so that after a certain time of being awake, I'm not allowed to use them anymore... *nods*
Sweet dreams and smooshy huggles!
Quote of the day:
Okay, say it with me Kitt; the keyboard doesn't look comfy and the desk is not a tasty treat.