Aug 10, 2005 16:16
Okay so a few things happened. First and pretty much the most important, I went to TLC... It was sooo much fun! I met a lot of the girls in the youth group, and they are soooo sweet. We especially hung out with Kayla and Val, two very extremely musically and athletically talented girls. It was so much fun. Also, I met Doug sonot Funny Tequamenon T-Kwam Boston Tea Party Beautiful Nut... well that's his nickname anyway, not his real name. hahahaha. But, Doug Funny for short. He is a really funny guy and I never talked to him before this trip. Strangely enough, I met him cuz he threw a football that rocked Katherine in the face. She threw her bagel and everything! But he apologized and we ended up talking to him and spending a lot of time with him. We hung out with Budde (buddy) a lot too. He loved us, even though he denies it. He came to sunday school just for us! He said his mom made him, but we know better. At the beginning of the week when me or katherine would say hi to him he'd act like he hated us and roll his eyes and stuff so we kept yelling at him to be more friendly, and by the end of the week we were his favorite, I know it! hahahaha. We hung out with Josh a lot too. He's a funny kid, but he's a bit intense when it comes to sports. It's like there's two of him. We call them "Good Josh" and "Competition Josh." He was fun to hang out with though. I learned sooo much in sessions and at workshops. It was awesome how much God taught me in just a few days. I plan on sharing it with everyone!! hahaha. I'm reallyyy excited. Also, there was a haunted building there called Jackson Hall... Oh man, the stories!! If you wanna hear them, you'll have to I/M me or call me because there are just too many stories with that place. We left at midnight between friday and saturday and made the 12 hour drive home. We got stuck in traffic a couple times, but we were having fun. It was impossible to sleep on that bus, so everybody was flipping out on only 2 hours of sleep. The energy was insane. Then we got home and said our goodbyes and me and katherine head for home.
When we got to my house we slept and watched tv and were the laziest bums this world has ever seen. We were so tired. Then we got ready and went to hang out with Ryan! That was fun... We went to play mini golf at CJ Barrymore's, and I dominated, may I add... haha. Me and Ryan were back and forth for the best score and I beat him by one! and Katie wasn't far behind us. I think Ryan beat her by 3 or something like that. It was crazy stuff. After golf, we went to the starbucks in Barnes and Noble cuz the other one was too crowded. We were there for like 3 hours telling Ryan all the TLC stories and Ryan told us all about his crazy week of corruption! hahaha. It was fun just sitting and talking about stuff. After coffee, we split to get me and my dog packed. Me and Dallas went to spend the night at katie's. Dallas was a little scared when we got there and he wouldnt relax, but he fell asleep eventually. Katherine and I made Ramen Noodles and watched friends until we fell asleep, an excellent way to end our fun day.
Sunday morning we head off to sunday school, where we saw all of our pals from TLC. We had to talk in front of the youth group and tell them what we learned that week and all that good stuff. (That's when we saw that Budde came to sunday school, even though he never ever comes cuz its too early, just to see us. haha) We saw Cassie too!! She's such a sweetheart... AAAAnnyyywayyy... we left before service started cuz Katie had a family reunion to go to and I came home to an empty house and layed around and watched tv and ate until my family came home. They were in Traverse City and I hadn't seen them in a week so I was pretty excited. They bought me clothes and flip flops : ) Like I need those... hahaha.
Monday morning, my sister got her wisdom teeth out. When she came home she was a little out of it. She was crying and she didnt know why and then she would go into laughing fits... She was saying the most random things in the world and then she would laugh really hard. It was strange... Later, I had to take my road test. I passed cuz i'm sweet and then I got my license.. yessss! My real one comes in a few days, I still have my cheap one right now. It's exciting.. Jason visited me monday night and we went and got ice cream for jessica and watched a movie. It was a pretty fun day, I won't lie. I drove around with Jessica all day yesterday and visited my grandma and grandpa gallas, whom I havent seen since easter, so that was good. They gave me money for my birthday which made me pretty happy.
Nothing much left to tell, I know you're dying waiting for the end of this sucker if you even read it at all.. haha. All that's left is I start work on Friday and I get my hair done on monday and senior pictures on wednesday. Lots to look forward to... *excitement!!*
Aaaand... I'm hanging out with Nessa and Katherine and hopefully Alissa tonight!!! it's gonna be grrreeeaattt fun! Comment if you love me...