Jul 21, 2005 00:44
Today.. well yesterday i donno on wed I went to work.. that was fun
came home then hung out wiht londs and we went and got a 5 dollor pizza and subway for work tomorrow... and we ate the WHOLE pizzza hehe
and then we were playing poool.. and well i really suck cuz she beat me like 5 times and then the last time we played she had tooken out her contacts and well soo she wasliek blind and she still beat me!! ... lol
but then my day turned from happy to very sad.... I Just found out that Jessica died this mourning.. i cant believe it still.. her and i used to be best freinds and we used to alweays hang out.. then this yer we didnt really hang out that much but we still talked and now shes gone ..i just cant believe it ... im gonna miss her soo much... and i know everyone else will to because she was a awesome gurl.. always nice to everyone...
I lvoe you jessica and im really gonnna miss you soo much... we had lots of goood times together wehn we used to hang out.
well now that im in tears im gonna get going
ohh ya i took a pic of the sky today and wow.. well i took it cuz it was purddy and turns out the clouds look like a heart soo ya i thought that was sweeet