i have friends ..way more than she does

Mar 16, 2005 16:11

thanks mike. omg stacie....hmm i would not be talking if i were you. i havent cut in a long time...ive been good. unlike you. your whole flippin arm is fucked up...and every1 can see it. u dont even try n hide it. R u proud??? cuz im not. its not cool...and ive found other ways to deal w/ stuff other than cutting. so just stop...cuz i dont kno wat u r trying to prove w/ this shit. i refuse to let u bring me down...and i wont be brought down to ur cutting level. i have friends....obviously..so u can lie all u want...but they r there 4 me. maybe u should get some.
thats what lauren said i said:

i havent cut since lent started n those marks on my arms are scars and i dont go around showing ppl n going "look i cut" i kept it a secret unlike u o yea u havent done it in a while? u did it last week..u showed me that nice bloody juicy red mark directly on ur wrist for everyone to see while the other non cut arm has like 100 bracelets on it i dont understand y u dont put thos braclets on ur cut arm actually i do understand its cuz u want ppl to know it took 2 months for someone to find out that i cut cuz i actually HID IT and didnt tell ppl and i do have friends after u got suspended do u know how many ppl were saying "good job" and "u rock" to me? no i dont think u know cuz u wernt there n after u pushed me ur so called friends pushed u away n helped ME not u cuz ur ridiculous n that fight was so completely LOW even for u i told about what u do cuz its not healthy and u could die ok i did it cuz u need help n i know i do to n thats why i have help everyone is on my side and u know why cuz I wasnt the one who started all this I wasnt the one who broke my cd player I wansnt the one who pushed you and I wasnt the one who threatened to kill you o and plus i just have a lot of friends who i can trust and who are true n who dont start fights just cuz they wernt invited to a party that was like 2 weeks ago n it wasnt even a party you are so mean and i will NEVER EVER fogive u for what u did and neither will anyone else more than 3/4s of the ppl that we know are on my side what u did was wrong on so many levels it not even funny u know i couldve pressed charges? yea they asked me if i wanted to cuz u commited 3 crimes 1. u pushed me which is assult 2. u broke my personal property and 3. u said that u were gonna kill me what did i do? nothing i just tried to get u some help im sorry that even though we're not friends i dont want u to kill ur self god n btw those comments rnt from me

GO ME!! ppl were still talking good about me today :-D i feel so special and i know i did the right thing so GO ME
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