Title: Spooning
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters: Kurt Wagner/Logan
Prompt: 023 - Lovers
Word Count: 794
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes it’s the littlest things that matter most.
Author's Notes:
It didn’t matter where they slept, Logan always slept closest to the door. Physical obstacle between whatever trouble could come - and often did - and his lover. Letting Kurt curl up underneath his arm, bodies pressed close underneath the blankets and broad back presented to the dangerous world beyond.
They both knew that it wasn’t because Logan didn’t think Kurt couldn’t take care of himself. Even if it might look that way to other people. They were both capable of looking after themselves just fine. And did. Couldn’t be an X-Man and not be able to. Even though everybody watched each other’s backs out on the field, one ear open for a call for help if a situation got too rough. Which was the way it worked when you were part of a team.
Something in Logan’s brain insisted that he be the one to sleep between the dark and what was his. He couldn’t sleep if he didn’t, wakeful instincts keeping him awake and wary. Watching the dark beyond Kurt’s back, waiting for something to pop out and attack. It had disturbed Kurt, it made Logan irritable and snappy to the point of violence from lack of sleep, and had just been a bad thing all round. So now Logan slept where he did all the time. Wherever they were.
It was too hard to try and explain the dynamics of the way they worked to anyone else. On the face of it, they shouldn’t have worked. Too many differences. Too many gaps between fundamental beliefs. Kurt was fervently Catholic, and Logan was an almost violent atheist. Smudged idealism and bitter practicality. Gentleness and violence.
It shouldn’t work. But it did. And for the both of them, that was as far as thinking about it went.
Kurt shifted sleepily, drawn back into wakefulness as a full bladder made its needs known. The warmth of Logan’s breath against the side of his neck was familiar, the weight of one arm slung across his waist, the comfort of his strong body against his back. Licking sleep dry lips, he started the task of squirming out from under Logan’s arm, trying not to wake him.
“Mmm.” Drowsy murmur against his skin as Logan woke up a little, arm tightening for a moment. Detaching fingers from their grip, Kurt slithered out from Logan’s grasp, tail brushing against the bare skin of his lover’s calf for a moment before he flipped it free of the sheets, feet meeting the carpeted floor gently as he got out of bed. “Hnh?” He could just see the glint of a half open eye in the reflected moonlight that was coming in through their bedroom window, but he was certain that Logan could see him completely. Even though his night sight was good, Logan was in shadow and it made him harder to see.
“Go back to sleep,” Kurt whispered, leaning back across the bed to kiss Logan gently. The soft scratch of stubble against his own smooth chin was expected, welcome. It didn’t matter how often Logan shaved, there was always stubble. At least his skin didn’t show beard burn easily. Something to be thankful for. “I’ll be back in a minute, Liebster.”
The eye stayed open for a moment longer, before closing again. Kurt padded to the attached bathroom, choosing not to turn on the light as he slid the door open then closed it behind him. Washing his hands once he was done, he cupped his hand under the tap once he’d rinsed the soap off, lapping at the cool liquid thoughtfully. Stared at his reflection in the mirror, golden eyes the only thing visible about him. His body just deeper shadow in the darkness of the bathroom. Wiping his hand on the towel, he hitched up the waistband of the loose pants he slept in and went back into the bedroom.
He opened the window, letting night air blow into the room and feeling its coolness against his face as he leant against the sill. The dark expanse of grass lawn stretched out to the walls that surrounded the estate, dotted here and there with trees. Cool, but not quite quiet. He could hear whisperings in the dark as the wind brushed through the trees, the occasional call of a night bird. Clean scent of grass and growing things. Turning, he went back to the bed and slid back under the sheets.
Let Logan put his arm around him again, nuzzle the soft spot of skin behind his ear with sharp teeth and wet tongue, darkening the mark that was already there. Pulling the sheets back up, Kurt closed his eyes thankfully, laying his hand on top of his lover’s. Slept.
Both of them secure in each other’s arms.