Random meme! Because I can! :D
a. Post a list of 15 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character.
1. X-Men - Jubilee Why do I love Jubilee? I really have no idea, I should loathe her perky cheerfullness. But she can call people boogerheads and stuff. I like that. Also, she's friends with the Wolverine, is capable of kicking butt, and shares my objection to eating food that is moving of its own accord.
2. Watchmen
3. Teen Titans
4. The Discworld
5. Lord of the Rings
6. The Crow
7. Dogma - The Metatron Alan Rickman, guh. Sexy Brit! But he also has some of the best lines, and that dry acidic wit just kills me. Love him.
8. Runaways
9. The Belgariad
10. X-Men : Age of Apocalypse (First one dammit, not the crappy new stuff!) - Kurt Ooh, boy. Kurt here is so different to any other incarnation. He's hot, definitely grey in shades of his morality and he has swords. Also, teleports people's heads off if that's what a fight comes down to. And the lovely Mystique interaction is not to be sneezed at. So wonderfully dysfunctional.
11. Hitch hiker's guide to the Galaxy
12. Harry Potter - Draco, Snape I like Slytherin. I like characters with a bit of wicked to their souls. And I like some forms of redemption. Snape with his bitter biting lines and Draco as a spoiled brat make me wonder if I should read the next book. Because Harry sure as hell ain't making me buy it.
13. Preacher
14. Constantine the movie
15. Anita Blake the Executioner - Anita Blake I like women who can kick butt, slay monsters and have a realistically cynical view of just who really are the monsters. She dates werewolves and vampires, is the Nimir-Raj of a pard of wereleopards, part of three mystical triads, girlfriend to the Master of the City, intimately connected to the werewolf pack, and vampire executioner for the state. Love her.