life for me sux!!!

May 09, 2005 20:24 has been ok i guess! Umm..i went to school, and while at school i foudn out something that i really didnt want to know to be honest! I just cant believe that this person actually went and done this! He is so fuckin stupid is what it is! He ass is in trouble! I cant beolive him! He has absolutely ruined his life now! he is going to go to jail! oh well..his mistake! but umm...I cant wait till this friday because me and my friends are going to go to dollywood wiht the fccla crew! yay...its going to be quite fun! Oh and about the last update..i got really fuckin pissed off and i thought that the person that i think left the flippin comment needed to know that! so yeah i think they know now! lol...but umm..yeah i have been down in the dumps for the past few days and it absolutely sux ass! i am not for sure what has been wrong with me but its something! my family is just pissin me off here lately and i just cant take it anymore! My fuckin step mom called me a fuckin ho bag and it really got to me and it really made me think! I think she talked some sense into me and made me realize some stuff...i never really cared what other people think but in high school you should because that the impression that is put on you for the rest of your life...People are going around thinking they can say shit about me like that i have fucked more than 10 guys...that is such bullshit and you realize that people are so fuckin stupid these days and dont know what the fuck they are talkin about! they say shit that isn true just to make them feel better about them selves knowing that they put people down! I just want all you people to no right now that i hve not fucked 10 guys if you want me to name everyone of them right now i will...i can count on one fuckin hand how many guys i've been with...not alot of you out there can say that now can you! not making any judgements about anybody but its the truth...and it really pisses me off when people say shit about others but cant back their asses up on what they say! People need to make some fuckin sense on the shit that they say on these stupid ass comments and come to life and relaize that not everyone is like them..not everyone does the shit they do! not everyone say the shit they do! but anyways off that this...leave your name and i will reply to it tellin you something i like about you and something i dont like about you! im sorry for any hurts feelings to those of you that dont like what i had to say!!!!

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