Trip report: VANCWA party scene.

May 16, 2004 21:57

This weekend was supposed to be about me being poutty and brooding over loves lost and personal failures. It turned into one of the more refreshing experiences of the year.
I was at a Vancouver party with Jason and Dana, wildly drunk, and demanding random strangers where my new best friend. I beat up a tubby girl, looking up at the balcony for thumbs up or down from the crowd while saying "Put her down"? It was funny, laffo.
In the middle of a meandering diatribe against sodomites and idolaters I noticed this ball-achingly hotness chick who looked at me twice, so I started talking right in her face, and she was listening to me and giving me body language cues that she didn’t think I was a faggot-fucking douche-bag, so after I ran out of canned hate speech I started winging it, (think Saturday Night Live skit where the morning show's teleprompter fails; Clan of the Hand all up in this shit). She thought I was tolerable, so we hung out in the dark laundry room and I told her she was neat and we played Connect-4.
I got to spend the night watching her breathe.
Today I led an abortive raid on the movie theater with her as my assault element, and I watched cartoons.
The tides of the World bring people into our lives, and what we chose to do with them is up to us. I had a great weekend.
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