When parking the car the other day, Deb & I saw a family getting out of an Excursion. We didn't know it was a single family (so many kids) until we saw the back of the vehicle. There were two regular sized Jesus fish & six smaller ones...
We saw Adventureland yesterday. It was okay, but not spectacular. I'd call it a rental or bargain matinee.
I went to Vicksburg, MS the week before last for work to discuss server consolidation. I realized that the parts of the process I would find interesting are the parts I won't get to do. This realization kinda sucked.
While on the work trip, I got to try some moonshine. From a Mason jar. That had been transported across several state lines. It tasted a LOT better than it smelled.
It's April & it snowed overnight. What the hell?!?!?!
I'm trying to think of something to do today that's fun AND compatible with getting some dishes & laundry done. Nothing is coming to mind. It's not even nice enough to clean up the backyard, which isn't fun, but is necessary.
I've got approximately 21 pounds of pennies in two Sweet Martha's Cookie buckets. I'm debating cashing them in at Rainbow for an Amazon gift card. I do have a book habit to support...
I can't find replacement blades for my razor. Target ad today has the Gillette Fusion on sale...plus a $5 gift card if you buy it & one other item (shaving cream!)...and Deb found a $2 coupon in the paper.