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Jan 16, 2009 22:44

I managed to break my glasses tonight (which, by the way, I haven't even had for two years yet!). Not while I was at home, that would've been too easy. Luckily, I had a spare pair in the car...although they WERE 2 prescriptions back...

I'm now in my most recent old pair. I also managed to get an appointment for an exam (my doctor had bugged me about getting one...it's been a two years PLUS the whole diabetes thing...) tomorrow morning. Downside is that Vision World takes about a week to make glasses.

Oh, and the VisionWorld website? Yeah, thanks for having a link for frames that only lists brands & doesn't actually SHOW ME ANY FRAMES!

BTW, the old glasses are close enough in prescription that BSG in HD was quite clear. The scratches on the lenses (which is why I got new ones two years ago) detracted a little.
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