Last night, Common Grounds:
If I Told You
Song of Me and You
Beautiful Day
Suicide Watch
Not for the Seasons
I Told You So
Old Love
Whatever You Want
Three Sunrises
Fiona's Blues
On stage, I felt really good about this show. There were a good number of people there, including some people who came especially to see me (like the fam, Corey, and Bob). Some people were actually listening. I saw people tapping their feet, bouncing their heads, etc. I had a good time and I'm grateful.
So my question is now, how come nobody bought a CD or signed the emailing list? I understand the CD thing. Only a certain kind of person is going to buy a CD at a coffeeshop. I'm that kind of person, and I don't always buy a CD, even when I like the artist. But the emailing list? That's free and passive. Why not? Am I doing something wrong? Could I be doing something more right? I need to mull this one over.
Still, fun times, noodle salad.
The Redding Brothers, out of Nashville, played afterwards. I enjoyed their set; they had some nice vocal harmonies. Thanks to everyone for coming out. I'm playing again this Friday at
Upbeat Cafe in Georgetown. See you then!