Finally, a new venue! Last night, I drove down to Livewire Coffee in Richmond. Getting on the actual highway to go to a show was somewhat exciting. I don't do that enough.
Not for the Seasons
Song of Me and You
If I Told You
Sarah McLachlan
I Told You So
Everything I Once Had
Three Sunrises
Angel From Montgomery
Chin Up
Punk Rock Princess
Beautiful Day
Whatever You Want
No Secrets
Love is an Unlit Cigarette
Old Love
The odd thing about Livewire is that the people actually listened to me. That's sort of a new coffeeshop experience for me. The sad thing is that I wasn't feeling so hot (well, between the quasi-head sickness sweating and the stage lights, I was pretty warm), and my performance wasn't 100%. The happy thing is that my bad is getting better, if you know what I mean.
Tonight was the debut of my "Buy My CD's" sign, which helped me sell a total of 0 CD's. I still think it's cool though. I'm starting to sell Winter in Lexington at my shows as well. Hell, I have enough of them, might as well put them to work. I also debuted my cover of the Indigo Girls' song, "Ghost." It was... eh. The problem with doing IG songs is that there's only one of me. The melody to that song isn't so interesting without all the countermelodies and harmonies.
Now I have a nice 2 week break before Common Grounds on the 27th (I play first, and only for an hour). I've also added a show at
Upbeat Cafe on February 2nd (8-10pm). See you guys then.
Show Milestones:
Debut at Livewire.
Debut of the CD sign.
Debut of "Ghost."