Apr 12, 2006 16:00
its been a while...and things have been great...the only time i write in here is when things are sucky so here we go...
What would you do in this situation...?
Your boyfriend goes to myrtle beach and bunks with a bunch of guys and one girl...well...your not too happy with the girl thing but you dont say anything, becuase well...everytime you do say something about anything...you get called insecure and get told that you have low self esteem. So then he comes home and you hear that she is going to his hosue to 'play games with his little sister' so this girl likes his best friend...but from what everyone says...shes a skank so LIKE THAT MATTERS...so then he goes on to tell me how she is "out of his best friend's league because she is very pretty and an awesome girl and how he should feel lucky that she likes him" wtf?? like i want to hear how pretty he thinks she is.... so then i go on to ask him if anything is going on between him and this girl and he says "No..but she is becoming one of my best friends and thats something your gonna have to deal with" Omg!! I dont 'have to deal' with anything! So then i try to talk to him and he likes flips out..and gets mad and whatever...i just dont understand...
How would he like it if I bunked with a guy on vacation, and he came to my house, and he texted me all the time, and i told him that we were best friends and to get over it?? He wouldnt...so i just dont understand what he is thinking at all.....dont get me wrong im not trying to limit his friends by any means....but this is just a little much, dontcha think??