A selfish Pain

Mar 05, 2009 23:40

My dad died last night, he died the moment I got in from the airport, my mom went to open the door for me and as I went to say goodnight and give him a kiss to let him know I had arrived, he died, I tried desperately to find his pulse, my mom kept crying and calling him, them my brother and sister ran too the room to, we all cried as we held him and thank him for been such a wonderful dad and husband.

My dad was an amazing man, kind and always positive, his funeral was an endless parade of people of all ways of life, I never saw so many flower arrangements, people really loved him, we were never alone, which sometimes can be difficult but it makes you realize that he must have matter to them enough to be there with us all the time.

I have a whole in my heart and a pain I will never stop feeling, I cried everytime I enter the room and expect him to be in his bed reading the newspaper.

I miss my dad, I miss hugging him, kissing him, teasing him, his jokes, his kind heart and sage advice,
I miss the team him an my mom made, nothing will ever be as happy and safe as the years knowing my dad will always have my back.

And it's selfish completely and absolutely, because I know he is better off now, he doesn't feel pain.
But I miss him so much.
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