Ditl 03.10.10 Chicken Day!

Oct 06, 2010 10:12

Today is Chicken Day! My Aunt and Uncle run a Organic Chicken CSA and I've been asked to help out with the butchering. Fun, fun,fun. But also gross, gross, gross.
Thank goodness I'm not actually killing/gutting the chickens.

Breakfast and the Internet. (Kt = addicted.)

10 Signs you may have younger sisters.
Number 7. You have the complete sound track of Mulan on your MP3 player

Driving along the country roads singing.
...Mister. I'll make a man out of you...
If you can sing along. You are as equally pathetic as I am.

Ah. Here's where I'm going.

Oh look, the Food Inspector's here all ready.
He always has funny stories about some butchering that he went to last week.
I think he probably makes them up. There's only so many times a headless duck can get loose and run around the barnyard with everybody chasing it before life starts getting ridiculous.

No worries. I'm not going in there. Ew...

Today my job is to help Uncle Randy catch and deliver the chickens.

He catches them and I pop them in the cage on the back of the ATV.

Then we drive them to the Mobile abattoir.

I did not take any pictures of the following. Because. Uh. Ew?

Step One: The chickens arrive and are placed upside down in little cones.
Step Two: Bye bye chicken. If you really want to know how, highlight the below to find out.
It's totally gross though.
Vinnie zaps the chicken to stun it then cuts the throat to bleed the it out.
See? Told you it was gross. Apparently totally painless though.
The object is to cause the chicken the least amount of stress possible.
Step Three: Chickens are soaked in hot hot water to loosen the feathers.
Step Four: The chickens are then de-feathered, de-legged, and de-headed.
Step Five: They then are placed inside a hatch of the motor home for the Food Inspector to check.
Step Six: Chickens are gutted and placed into a ice bath for thirty minutes.
Step Seven: Finished product is bagged and sold to the lucky CSA members.
Apparently it's a status symbol to acquire one of Uncle Randy's chickens.

Aunt Sheila and her tasty chicken..

During lunch the CSA members start showing up to collect their chickens.
My mum buys 10.

Fuzzy Kt is happy the sun has finally shown up.

Back to work.
These chickens are evil. If they get a wing loose they will quite happily beat you over the
head/arms/stomach with it.
I've got bruises to prove it.

Dear Uncle Randy,
You are a BC beef producer. Not Albertan.
Lurv, Your Niece.

Homeward bound!

When chickens get surprised they poo. A lot.
My poor pants will never be the same.

Silly Kt didn't pack enough lunch.

End up flipping through old photos again.
My sister (korat_bean ) and I rocked out cute when we were 3 and 5.

Insert Epic Six Hour Nap Here.

I wake up to find out we had fried chicken for dinner!
There has been entirely too much chicken today.
I am going back to bed. Goodnight!

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