So i nearly lost the dog today. I've been really worried about her for a few weeks now and so yesterday I phoned up the pdsa as I can't afford to go to a vet and my mama is eligable for free vet care as she has housing benefit. I was really really scared but trusted my instinct that something was really wrong with my baby and took her to a private vet anyway we didn't have the paper work for the pdsa at the time.
Cut a long story short, my baby is ok. She had a pyrometra which means her womb was filled with pus. They did an emergency spay and now she's no lady bits, but she IS alive and resting in the kitchen. If we had waited a few more hours she would be dead.
Here's my baby.
Shasha Aged about 5
Shasha aged about two or three!
Grand old lady at 10 years old! I think she looks good for her age :)
She's much loved, but today I wasn't ready to lose her. I'm not ready tomorrow either.