May 23, 2011 09:01
Today will be the last exam I will take as a student of this University. These have been a frighteningly quick four years but with them I feed as if we have grown. I suppose that at the end of the day that is the important thing; that you do not emerge from a life decision exactly the person you entered as. What would have been the point? It saddens me to know that my time is coming to an abrupt end, there are still stories to tell and I won’t be telling them. I am heartened, however, to realise that although today is the end of my experience of higher education, it is the beginning of hopefully greater things of which many stories may be told. I hope to tell you them.
To the people I have met along the way.
You have inspired me and enlightened me. You have taught me new things, shared with me your life and without you, all of you, my world would have been less bright. I thank you for the friendship and love you have all shown me. It is much appreciated and returned tenfold. My only regret in my time here is that it was not longer - but all good things must come to an end. A lifetime together may have not been satisfying enough, or even two or three.
Although this is not farewell, I plan to remain friends as long as there is breath in these lungs, I part ways with you all with this;
Thank you. God Bless. Stay in touch.
real life