hola there... nice meeting u... hey! shige is my fav in News(well he shares the same 1st spot as ryo).. n kame is defineitely my ichiban in KATTUN.. ahaks... so it very great to know u who share tghe same ichiban as me in 2 diff grup.. *yay*
hahaha hola there too ??? haha same as with me.. i love both of them especially for kameshie.. kamenashi kazuya and shigeaki kato.. thats my called for them. hahaha what shoould i call u ?? call me thatha . thats my name. im from indonesia.... sure in jakarta. hehe hbu ?
ahaks... soo nice ne that we share the same ichiban ^^
aa gomen... u can call me ayu.. im from malaysia btw.. juz closed enuf to jakarta.. but im not in kuala lumpur tho.. im in terengganu (if u know)..
well my late grandpa is from bukit tinggi, sumatera.. but i havent got the chance to go there yet.. hukhuk.. i plannaed w my friends to go to indonesia (we dont decide yet which part) at the end of the year... any suggestion where we shud go to???? ahaks..
sorry ne for my long ranting.. im always like this if im not that bz ^^
huuaaaaa???? majide??? come to bali or jakarta ... or maybe go to lombok? if u wanna go to jakarta tell me ? maybe we can meet each other ??? hahahaha LOL~~~
terenggu i dont know where is it. gomen ? bukit tinggi ??? btw does ure grandma is still alive ? or both of them was late ??
ahaks.. daijoubu yo... my grandma is still alive but she's a malaysian not indonesian ^^
i can understand indonesian but i dontb really cant speak it.. learn it thru sinetron ^^ ahaks...
lombok?? what is the spot there?? yup i do have facebok since ages ago but nvr update... ahaks... guess i shud find sometimes ne.. feel free to add ayrin_serenity@yahoo.com ^^
hahahaa...more people say that their cant speak Indonesian laguage but.they can easly to speak english... for myself, i think indonesia laguage it's hard.. hahahahahaha
ayu i was added u as my friend @ facebook... and of corse i sent a message
yup.. my late grandpa migrated to Malaysia when he was still a teen.. he married my grandma when he was 30+ i guess.. well act he also changed his citizenship and dun really go back to indo.. i guss my mum told me that my grandpa only went back there a few times since he migrated here.. so we dont breally know the relatives there.. my mum only met they once... thank god my grandpa's niece who also migrated here always go back there.. so i plan on to go n visit the relatives there with them someday ^^
erk how come u an indonesian think that ur own language is hard?? aahks.. i have a foreigner friend that know how to speak indonesian but not malay language... they said that indonesian is easy to learn and they've this language in their college curiculum..
ahaks... sorry for the long story.... yeah will add u back ^^
nice meeting u...
shige is my fav in News(well he shares the same 1st spot as ryo)..
n kame is defineitely my ichiban in KATTUN..
so it very great to know u who share tghe same ichiban as me in 2 diff grup..
haha same as with me.. i love both of them especially for kameshie.. kamenashi kazuya and shigeaki kato.. thats my called for them. hahaha
what shoould i call u ?? call me thatha . thats my name. im from indonesia....
sure in jakarta. hehe hbu ?
soo nice ne that we share the same ichiban ^^
aa gomen...
u can call me ayu..
im from malaysia btw..
juz closed enuf to jakarta..
but im not in kuala lumpur tho..
im in terengganu (if u know)..
well my late grandpa is from bukit tinggi, sumatera..
but i havent got the chance to go there yet..
i plannaed w my friends to go to indonesia (we dont decide yet which part) at the end of the year...
any suggestion where we shud go to????
sorry ne for my long ranting..
im always like this if im not that bz ^^
come to bali or jakarta ... or maybe go to lombok? if u wanna go to jakarta tell me ? maybe we can meet each other ???
hahahaha LOL~~~
terenggu i dont know where is it. gomen ?
bukit tinggi ??? btw does ure grandma is still alive ? or both of them was late ??
do u have facebook ???
so u can speak indonesian too ???
daijoubu yo...
my grandma is still alive but she's a malaysian not indonesian ^^
i can understand indonesian but i dontb really cant speak it..
learn it thru sinetron ^^
what is the spot there??
yup i do have facebok since ages ago but nvr update...
guess i shud find sometimes ne..
feel free to add ayrin_serenity@yahoo.com ^^
hahahaa...more people say that their cant speak Indonesian laguage but.they can easly to speak english... for myself, i think indonesia laguage it's hard.. hahahahahaha
ayu i was added u as my friend @ facebook... and of corse i sent a message
my late grandpa migrated to Malaysia when he was still a teen..
he married my grandma when he was 30+ i guess..
well act he also changed his citizenship and dun really go back to indo..
i guss my mum told me that my grandpa only went back there a few times since he migrated here..
so we dont breally know the relatives there..
my mum only met they once...
thank god my grandpa's niece who also migrated here always go back there..
so i plan on to go n visit the relatives there with them someday ^^
erk how come u an indonesian think that ur own language is hard??
i have a foreigner friend that know how to speak indonesian but not malay language...
they said that indonesian is easy to learn and they've this language in their college curiculum..
sorry for the long story....
yeah will add u back ^^
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