get your sexy on!

Aug 04, 2006 13:32

So, still no word from my agent regarding the Red Cross temp job. This sucks.

Last night was really fun, though. Actually, all day was really fun. I went to the beach with the girls; it was overcast, yet I still got a sunburn. And I saw someone from UMF working at Amato's. Then we took a break and got back together to go out to Portland. We went to Kristi's Thai place and then to some clubs in the Old Port. Lava Lounge was okay, the music was better than last week, but still not great. And Liquid Blue kinda...blew-ha! The DJ was playing crappy remixes of things and a lot of the music skipped. Then we went to Styxx which was just awesome! I've been impressed with it every time. Great DJ, hoppin dance floor, cheap drinks, jello body shots-which make things entertaining-and I bumped into 3 more people from UMF! I had a great time, although I'm kinda sore today. I should take it easy for a little while--don't want to get sick or nuthin'.

Tonight, I have another date with Lee...dinner & a movie I guess--don't know what he's got up his sleeve, but I'm excited anyhow. Maybe we'll go see that new Robin Williams movie; I guess that's been our thing from the start--going to see creepy Robin Williams movies (i.e., Insomnia & One Hour Photo). I can't wait 'til we go on our road trip adventures!

I came across a job posting looking for blog writers. Perhaps that's something I could do...? Blogging really seems to be where it's at right now, but I just don't know if I could get a handle on it, plus I'm just so wary about anything online, especially when it involves a company that claims they'll pay you--I mean, how legit are these things...?

P.S. Sooooo obsessed with JT's new song!!!!
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