Jul 17, 2010 01:18
We just got home from seeing Marin Shakes do Taming of the Shrew a la Pirates of the Caribbean (with a few Mel Brooks references thrown in for kicks). Funny and creative, as usual. I'm thinking Shrew would be great rewritten for a leather setting, myself. The scene at the end, where Kate is dressing down the other wives for not showing their husbands obedience, wouldn't grate nearly so much if she were talking to two submissives who had consented to being in D/s relationships, but were acting out.
Just sent an email to the Janus officers, updating them on where things stand with our AIDS Walk team. With the donations currently showing online, another bit of money I need to post, and a check from two fundraisers that I dropped off at the AIDS Walk office yesterday, we're hovering at ~$2,910, just $90 shy of our goal.
Originally, I hadn't set a goal, because this was our first year, and I wasn't really sure how many people would walk with us, nor how much we would be able to do in the way of fundraising. I just mostly had decided this was something I wanted to do, with or without anyone else. But then, it seemed to make some sense for Janus to do it in memory of Cynthia Slater, and one thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, we had a group registered for walking and several benefits under our belt. So, I decided the best way to encourage people to donate would be to give them a target to shoot at.
I've been sick this week. Missed two days from work, and should have stayed home at least one more. But three days' absence is that magic trigger point for needing to provide a doctor's note, and this isn't something that needs a trip to the doctor. In all likelihood, it's viral, and there's damn little a doctor can do besides tell me to drink lots of fluids, get some rest, and take NSAIDS, if needed, for aches and fever. If the creeping crud looks like it's going to migrate into my chest and set up housekeeping ... well, then, maybe I'll see my doctor.
Speaking of my doctor, she's still pushing the idea of putting me on statins. And apparently, she's worried enough about the risks of having RA and elevated LDL that she's started sending me letters in the mail in addition to the comments I get by email. I talked her into doing more tests, none of which show increased cardiac risk. I told her if the elevated C-Reactive Protein and LDL is all she's got, I'm not inclined to start taking drugs that could have significant long term detrimental effects on important things like my kidneys and liver. As a result, I convinced her to talk with Cardiology about ordering a Cardiac Calcium Scoring CT scan, which will show whether I have calcium in the walls of my coronary arteries (which is an early indicator of plaque). I'll be going for that in mid-August.
That's about all for now. In the words of the old drinking song: "I'm tired, and I wanna go to bed."
aids walk,