Blast from the Past: 40 CE

Apr 02, 2003 21:17

He's kinda cute, for a scrawny little runt, I guess ... but I don't get why we're here.

Ares shushed her, tugging her in with an arm around her waist. They both wore the dress of the locals, he with a toga, she in a stola. They stood in a box, unnoticed to most, their position giving them an excellent view of the arena below. The Emperor, Gaius Caligula, had just entered amid fierce cheers, and was preparing to speak. just listen.

With a roll of her eyes, she acquiesced, shoulders fitting easily against his. Supernatural powers ided her hearing, and Caligula's voice was easy to hear as he gave his cute little pep talk.

"People of Rome, You gather here today to see the mighty in action! Before the Arena races, however, you shall witness the punishments of those traitorous to Your Emperor, Your God, Caligula!"

God? Cerulean eyes blinked as Dite's head swiveled up to look at her companion, her expression caught between wanting to laugh and expressing incredulity.

He thinks he's living deity, on par with or above Olympians. Weeks ago, an artist paused when asked who was greater, Caligula or Jupiter. Caligula had him instantly flayed. He's magnificent in his grandiose delusions.

laughter won, Dite's head falling back as she chuckled. Below, in the Arena, three declared traitors were being presented. A senator who dared vote against him, The husband of a woman he wanted to sleep with, and a proselytizer for that silly new cult of Jesus that seemed to be spreading past the Jews. Each was whipped to the count of fifty, skin peeling off their backs to reveal raw muscle, the rawhide of the bullwhip slicing it to shreds. Caligula seemed to revel in the blood, as did the real God beside her ... she could feel his fingers tighten on her hips. Each was then laid down on their backs, wrists and ankles tied, each limb to a different horse.

What's he doing?

Shh... just watch.

scrunching her nose, she complied, gaze returning to the action. All eyes seemed to be on Caligula, his scrawny self a presence that garnered more attention then even the pleading forms tied to the horses. He made them praise his name as their god, then told them he offered the mercy of a quick death. With that, he let out a command, and the horses jumped to run in different directions ... each tugging limbs off what was a whole body.

... Grody. to the max. Ew.

nose crinkling further, she tilted her head slightly for a second before looking back, expression bemused as a vicious applause began. Ares head bent towards hers, murmuring close to her ear.

That's what I like about you, Dite. You're not squeamish.

checking her hip against his she smirked

That's not all you like, sweetcheeks. Is this what's been stealing your attention?

Mm. On one hand, his battles aren't doing so hot. Even Cymbeline's barbarians in Camulodunum are besting him. However, he's worth watching for amusement.

Well sugar, I don't want to be here when Zeusie gets his dick back in his pants and realizes someone thinks he's greater. Plus ... this Arena? unwashed masses? Reeks. turning, Dite tugged on his toga I need a bath to erase the stench ... so do you. Then you'll get amusement of a different sort...

With a flash, Rome was abandoned in favor of Olympus
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