She'd find it an ironic coincidence that her husband showed just in time for the current showdown taking place were she to believe Hephaestus dealt at all in coincidences. The time had come for her to greet him in a more personal manner -- though she'd have preferred to not be as full of energy when she saw him. He'd ask what had happened, and she'
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Breaking his gaze from her he returned to polishing the blade he worked on.
"Well don't just stand there. Come in already."
Coming full circuit, she stepped behind him, an arm slipping beneath the leather apron to circle his waist, other hand lifting to brush aside dark hair, her head resting comfortably on the back of his shoulder, body a familiar presense as it pressed against him gently.
Greetings, Husband...
"There is family conflict in the air. It has your feel to it."
Nodding in agreement to her request, he blinked them into the living quarters of the Temple and led her to a chaise. The cushion covered wrought iron lounge was a piece of art, and the only thing that deviated from his normal sparse surroundings. Sitting on a stool beside her, he watched, waiting for the news.
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