Dec 18, 2007 15:47
i am so mad right now. my teacher (at uccs) showed ridiculous judgement in almost every avenue and for the third time i havent received an acceptable grade. i don't like to hate, but right now i hate her. i actually tried...and this is what i got. it's really de-motivating. i wrote her and told her it was bullshit. she probably feels indignant and self-righteous. maybe that's my problem. either way, i've never had so much trouble with one class. i think she hated me from day one. what kind of teacher turns voluntary into mandatory? what kind of teacher assumes before she asks? what kind of teacher makes general statements that she knows isn't true? what kind of teacher looks at you and smiles and then turns away in disgust? i think she has made more of an impression on me than any teacher in my entire life...and unfortunately it's been for the worse.