(no subject)

Aug 01, 2005 08:53

this was too big to post as just a reply to a comment.

i've been of the opinion lately that the constant happiness found in God that several of you have spoken of is exactly why everyone believes. let's just say, hypothetically, that religion was created (or made-up) to satisfying the longing everyone has for something lean on. as already stated by a few, everything in this world is only temporary happiness. those that take it too seriously are the ones that need a god to depend on. those that have been hurt enough know not to make something else what they depend on.

this is a weak metaphor, but it's the best i have at the moment-
when you get sick, and let's just use the flu as an example, you take medicine to get rid of the infection/virus/whatever. before the next flu season, you go get shots because you know that it's better to be immune than to get sick again and run back to an antibiotic to heal you again. when you get a flu shot, you can still go out and enjoy playing in the snow or eating in a public place, regardless of a risk of getting sick, because you're immune. you can have a good time instead of getting sick and having to recover with medicine.

now let's compare that to a religion, in general. trying to find complete happiness with things in this world is next to impossible. but people still try. they get hurt over and over again and run to a diety and/or religion for help. then they do it again. i've done it a couple of times. but lately, that pain doesn't affect me anymore. i accept that alot of people are going to be dishonest. i'm not paranoid about it, but it doesn't catch me offguard. like a flu shot, i'm simply immune to it. i experience life to the fullest (kinda) while still being fine if i'm around someone that hurts me. i care about people now just as much now, if not waaay more, than i did before i ever got hurt. but the point is that it doesn't hurt anymore. i don't have to run to a god, because i'm just not that weak.

i'm sure that last statement will get me slammed a few times, but please don't attack me for it if it's only because you are the weak one.

the point is that i'm still not quite seeing the need to run to a god.

oh and one more thing- don't pray for me. i'm fine. if you need to pray over something, pray for God to give someone the words to change my mind.
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